[Mono-list] Why doesn't mono have any official forums?

Clark Endrizzi cendrizzi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 12:52:15 EST 2006

Great news.  I think it's very important for this to happen.  It would
be especially nice to show the power of mono by having the forums
running on it.

This kind of leads to another issue as well and that is access to
mono-project.com.  Who has access to this stuff.  I am fairly new but
I would love to contribute some documentation in areas where I can
(and it needs help) but it appears that you can't just create an

On 1/11/06, Christopher Bergström <cbergstrom at netsyncro.com> wrote:
>  Clark Endrizzi wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I certainly don't want to come across the wrong way but as I've been
> going through the process of learning mono (C#, GTK#, and .net) I've
> often times thought how hard it is to find answers at times.
> Yeah, there could be more tutorials and other things, and based off
> things I've seen it looks like people are working on that. Yeah,
> there are these mail lists, etc but why not an official community
> forum. Now I've been at www.gotmono.com and they have a forum but
> you can't find a link to it on the mono website for it (and thus isn't
> as big as it should be). Futhermore I know Novell has one but NNTP is
> pretty weak for a full community forum like we've seen for so many
> other projects.
> Forums are a great solution because they are easier for most people to
> get onto and use (unlike IRC and mailing lists) and they provide an
> easy way for people to find answers to problems that others have also
> had.
> The best example is Ubuntu. Yes it's a distro but the forums are
> second to none. While Ubuntu is clean and friendly it has never
> included the tools that make some tasks easy like other distributions.
>  Yet, I've seen tons of new people starting their linux experience
> with Ubuntu because they're able to find the answers with the help of
> the awesome community (through the forums).
> I view mono as a great develpment environment for linux. Ideal for
> people, like myself, who want to get their feet wet in Linux
> development (particularly, gnome development). But when I've ran into
> issues I've usually had the most success looking through other C#
> programs (read: a lot of time!) or googling (read: often fruitless and
> a waste of time). Simply put, it's not as easy as it should be to
> access the mono community, at least not for new people.
> Mono really needs some forums.
> P.S. even if it is the forums on www.gotmono.com
>  I'm working on fixing up the current port of AspNetForums and I'm a pretty
> good way of finishing off the last of the bugs.. (Thank you for a great
> start to the original author) I'd say a week or two time permitting and I'll
> have a code base available for download and a mono hosted forums up.
> Feedback is welcomed and if they original author or the guys from gotmono
> want to help in any last fixes that would be most welcome.
>  As another thought and I don't know how compatible the YaBB forums are to
> AspNetForums, but if the Gotmono guy(s) are interested we should also be
> able to host them pretty soon.. (Of course all off Mono.)
>  As far as links or anything being official that's entirely up to the powers
> that be..
>  Cheers,
>  C.

-Clark Endrizzi

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