[Mono-list] Re: Summer of code suggestion

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Wed Apr 26 21:49:51 EDT 2006

Abe Gillespie wrote:
> With all do respect, the statement "we don't want the Mono people to
> use SWF instead of GTK#" is a personal opinion.  One, I think, hardly
> reflects the views of the Mono community at large.

Not really. It is kind of the view from the community.

 From http://www.mono-project.com/WinForms#Use_of_Native_Widgets :

   "The behaviour of a RadioButton has to be exactly like it behaves on
   Win32 with MS .Net. Anything else and applications written for may
   not work properly anymore. And that's the whole point of
   System.Windows.Forms (SWF), to allow running existing .Net SWF apps
   with Mono. For all other uses there is Gtk#"

"For all other uses there is Gtk#"

Atsushi Eno

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