[Mono-list] Documenting the internal working of the mono runtime

Vivek Varma bvvarma1 at rediffmail.com
Sat Sep 10 06:58:42 EDT 2005


Now that the mono codebase is quite stable and does not undergo too many big changes, would this be a good time to start documenting the internal working of the mono runtime?
If yes, would many people be interested in contributing to this?

I think probably two kinds of documentation will be helpful
1. General topics which cover things like the I/O Layer, Exception model, JITer etc.
2. Specific "How stuff works" kind of topics

For starters i could think of the following topics, maybe someone more knowledgable can suggest changes (more topics,
better organization of topics etc.). 

General topics (in random order)
1. Mono code structure
2. Metadata essentials & organization of internal metadata structures
3. The I/O Layer
4. The exception model
5. The Type checker
6. Value types & reference types and how they are handled
7. Assembly Binding (covering versioning)
8. JIT Compilation (including stages in JIT compilation like generation on Intermediate representation,  CFG etc.)
9. The securiy model
10. Method dispatching
11. Marshaling & Interop
12. Appdomains
13. The GC

How stuff works topics (in random order)
1. How are properties, events/delegates handled
2. How boxing happens
3. How assembly loading 
4. How assembly loading works
5. How remoting works

If the folks at Ximian/Novell feel that this is a worth while exercise then maybe some one at Novell could write up a "Table of Contents" section and volunteers could start fleshing out the details which folks at Novell would review if possible!
Can this be hosted on the mono site?  

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