[Mono-list] Remoting (ping Rob Jordan)

Bradley, Peter PBradley at uwic.ac.uk
Tue Oct 18 05:21:45 EDT 2005



I'm following up on the business of the customErrors element in remoting
server exe.config files: specifically whether or not the first character
of the mode attribute value should be capitalised or not.


I'm in work at the  moment where I've confirmed what I said last night -
i.e. that the first character must be capitalised for custom errors to
work.  We fell foul of this here and did extensive testing to show that
the capital letter was required.  My hesitancy last night was simply
that I wanted to confirm to my own satisfaction that I hadn't remembered
things back-to-front.


The problem is the Microsoft documentation.  Sometimes they use a
_mon_view_remote.mspx and
.asp for example) and sometimes they don't
ef/html/gnconcustomerrorselement.asp).  Unfortunately, this last example
is the main reference for the element: but it's wrong.  The capital
letter is needed.


Hope this helps - and if you want me to write a test application to
prove the point, I'll do that for you.  Just ask.


Finally, I really need to say how impressed I am with this remoting
implementation.  Impressed is not a sufficient word, to be honest,
"awestruck" would be nearer the mark.  Congratulations to everyone







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