[Mono-list] Recent Tutorials Feedback

Joshua Tauberer tauberer@for.net
Sun, 08 May 2005 20:41:26 -0400

Milen Dzhumerov wrote:
> As we're going to present the recent
> tutorials(http://www.mono-project.com/GConfTutorial and
> http://www.mono-project.com/GtkSharpNotificationIcon) to a wider
> audience, I would like to hear from you. What do you think is missing?
> Are there any unclear parts? Any suggestions ?

While everyone's on the subject, I've added a guide on documenting your 
own class libraries using the /doc option & monodocer:


It's not entirely complete.  And I've recently finished pulling the old 
Monkeyguide onto the new Wiki:


Most everything has moved over, and some others have already begun 
adding some good new content.

Lastly and unrelated, to wet everyone's appetites, in about a month I'm 
going to unveil a nifty new website that will be a Mono version of 
search.cpan.org: a directory of open source reusable libraries for .NET. 
  It'll be powered by the Semantic Web by taking advantage of DOAP & FOAF.

- Joshua Tauberer


** Nothing Unreal Exists **