[Mono-list] Mono 1.1.5 yum repository for FC3 is broken

Danny Brugman dbrugman@xs4all.nl
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:56:25 +0200

It's always nice to answer your own questions ;-)

Solved the second part of my question (libicu dependencies),
I will explain how, it might be useful for others:

Mono 1.0.6 is dependend on version 2.6 of the Unicode 'libicu' library.
The libicu version supplied in the Fedora Extras repository is
version 3.2. However, the 'DAG APT Repository' supplies version 2.6.

The URL for the DAG repository for your yum.conf is:


Supposing that you use the example yum.conf from www.fedorafaq.orf:


You can issue the following command to install version 2.6 of libicu:

   yum --enablerepo=dag --disablerepo=extras install libicu

If you want to prevent that libicu is updated to version 3.0 with the
next 'yum update', add the following line to yum.conf:


Now you should be able to install Mono from the 1.0.6. FC3 yum repo.

Hope this is helpful.

Kind regards,

Danny Brugman

Danny Brugman wrote:
> After deciding to give Mono a try, I attempted to install it using
> yum on my Fedoro Core 3 machine. I'm using the following repository:
>   http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.1.5/fedora-3-i386/
> (as indicated on http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads)
> However, this repostitory seems to be broken, I receive the following
> error message:
>   Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: mono115
>   Cannot find repomd.xml file for mono115
> This problem seems to have occured before, with the 1.1.4 release:
> http://archive.neotonic.com/archive/mono-list/browse_frm/thread/7923/25909
> The 1.0.6 repository is valid, but trying to yum-install mono from
> that repository results in:
> Error: Missing Dependency: libicuuc.so.26 is needed by package mono-core
> Error: Missing Dependency: libicudata.so.26 is needed by package mono-core
> Error: Missing Dependency: libicui18n.so.26 is needed by package mono-core
> Installing 'libicu' from the Fedora Extras repository doesn't fix this.
> I hope somebody can help me out and fix the repositories.
> Many thanks.
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