[Mono-list] GAC permissions
A Rafael D Teixeira
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 14:22:08 -0300
Hi Nik,
First, you should only add things to the gac as root, never as a normal
user. We even tought of an additional user-gac, but I think the idea was
Second, everything in my gac is owned by user root and group root. And
the permissions are
for directories /usr/lib/mono, /usr/lib/mono/gac, and for each assembly-
related directory inside /usr/lib/mono/gac and their version-pl.
Taking for example Npgsql.dll instaled in my gac we have a directory
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 181760 Mar 21 15:46 Npgsql.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 106152 Mar 21 15:46 Npgsql.dll.mdb
Assemblies in the GAC are shared content so they must be readable by
everyone. The execute permissions on dlls are just a reminder because
they need to be loaded and executed by mono.
In case you don't know: the execute bits in permissions for directories
are used to mark them as "listable" (browseable), so if you take them
out the affect user/group won't be able to find/open the files, even if
the files' permissions allow.
On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 22:54 +1100, Nik Derewianka wrote:
> Hi,
> New to linux (suse 9.2) so please bear with me:
> Using mono 1.1.4 all the files in my GAC have owner/group of root. In
> my code where i use the Npgsql connector, my code runs fine when
> executed under root but under a normal user it bombs out badly:
> ** (postgres.exe:9267): WARNING **: Could not find assembly Npgsql,
> references from /home/nik/postgres.exe (assemblyref_index=1)
> Major/Minor: 1,0
> Build: 5000,0
> Token: 5d8b90d52f46fda7
> System error: No such file or directory
> ** (postgres.exe:9267): WARNING **: Missing method .ctor in assembly
> /home/nik/postgres.exe typeref index 2
> Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
> set to an instance of an object
> Likewise, when using the gacutil to install npgsql from a normal user i
> get errors and it mentions permissions.
> So what user/group should i be setting the files in the gac to ?? If i
> change the group to 'users' with read perms then it complains about
> /etc/mono/machine.config
> It just doesnt feel right that i need to be opening up all the perms on
> things - but maybe this is how linux does things... if so is there any
> recommended set of permissions (or have i royally botched something up
> with the install ?).
> Any help appreciated,
> Nik
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