[Mono-list] SybaseClient and ASA 9.0.x (keep getting ASA Error
-83: Specified database not found)
Daniel Morgan
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 20:50:11 -0500
I don't even know if ASA has even been tested with
Mono.Data.SybaseClient. I am downloading it now...
In the meantime, can you try the ODBC provider.
Also, can you add this bug to Mono's Bugzilla at:
Matthew Franz wrote:
>I'm trying to connect to the Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA 9.0.2) demo
>server (on Windows) without much luck using various combinations of
>the following connection string
> string connectionString =
> "Server=,2638;" +
> "Database=asademo;" +
> "User ID=dba;" +
> "Password=sql;";
>In the ASA documentation it distinguishes between Server (used for the
>hostname,port) and ServerName (specified by the -n option in
>dbendg.exe) not sure is th
>Based on the Windows command that calls dbeng9.exe the servername for
>the demo should be "asaserver9" with the database should be "asademo"
>I looked through the Sqlclient source and couldn't find a connection
>paramater for "ServerName," but I'm nost
>Based on searches, there appear to be some subtle differences between
>ASA and ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise).
>Has anyone used the Mono SqlClient provider with ASA?
>I'm using Ubuntu Hoary with:
>stat@franz-mcs1:~$ mono --version
>Mono JIT compiler version 1.0.5, (C) 2002-2004 Novell, Inc and
>Contributors. www.go-mono.com
> TLS: normal
> GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC)
> SIGSEGV : normal
> Globalization: ICU
>stat@franz-mcs1:~$ mcs SybCon.cs -r:System.Data.dll
>-r:Mono.Data.SybaseClient.dll; ./SybCon.exe
>Compilation succeeded
>Unhandled Exception: Mono.Data.SybaseClient.SybaseException: ASA Error
>-83: Specified database not found
>in <0x0011b> Mono.Data.SybaseClient.SybaseConnection:ErrorHandler
>in <0x00069> (wrapper delegate-invoke)
>in <0x0001e> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:OnTdsErrorMessage
>in <0x00056> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>in <0x00276> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:ProcessMessage
>in <0x00052> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>in <0x0015f> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:ProcessSubPacket ()
>in <0x00050> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:NextResult ()
>in <0x0005d> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:NextResult ()
>in <0x00011> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:SkipToEnd ()
>in <0x0004f> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds:SkipToEnd ()
>in <0x00ccf> Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds50:Connect
>in <0x003af> Mono.Data.SybaseClient.SybaseConnection:Open ()
>using System;
>using System.Data;
>using Mono.Data.SybaseClient;
> public class Test
> {
> public static void Main(string[] args)
> {
> string connectionString =
> "Server=,2638;" +
> "Database=asademo9;" +
> "User ID=dba;" +
> "Password=sql;";
> IDbConnection dbcon;
> dbcon = new SybaseConnection(connectionString);
> dbcon.Open();
> dbcon.Close();
> dbcon = null;
> }
> }