[Mono-list] SqlSharpGtk - doesn't work in Mono1.0.6 windows install.

Daniel Morgan danielmorgan@verizon.net
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 19:00:14 -0500

I guess it would help to have the link.  :-)


Daniel Morgan wrote:

> Hi,
> It appears you are missing Mono.Data.dll which contains the 
> ProviderFactory that SQL# For GTK# needs.
> You can go here to download the Mono.Data.dll that you need.
> Copy the file to:
> D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\lib\mono\1.0
> This is needed only if you plan to compile an app that uses Mono.Data.dll
> To get it to work with the Mono runtime, you need to do either of the 
> following:
> 1. add it to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) via gacutil.  Make sure 
> you're in a Mono Command Prompt.
>    gacuil -i Mono.Data.dll
> 2. copy the file to the same place with sqlsharpgtk.exe is located: in 
> lib.
>  D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\lib
> Innes MacKenzie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed mono 1.0.6 for windows (using the installer) and tried
>> running the Sqlsharpgtk application from the Mono-1.0.6 command
>> prompt.
>> The app didnt start, and the following output was produced:
>> Mono version 1.0.6 Build 1
>> Prepending 'D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\bin' to PATH
>> D:\WINDOWS\Fonts>cd "\Program Files\Mono-1.0.6"\bin
>> D:\Program Files\Mono-1.0.6\bin>sqlsharpgtk.bat
>> ** (D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\lib\sqlsharpgtk.exe): WARNING **: Could 
>> not find asse
>> mbly Mono.Data, references from 
>> D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\lib\sqlsharpgtk.exe (asse
>> mblyref_index=7)
>>     Major/Minor: 1,0
>>     Build:       5000,0
>>     Token:       0738eb9f132ed756
>> System error: No such file or directory
>> cannot open assembly D:\PROGRA~1\MONO-1~1.6\lib\sqlsharpgtk.exe
>> D:\Program Files\Mono-1.0.6\bin>
>> I searched for an assembly named Mono.Data.dll but could not find one.
>> Can anyone shed light on what's going wrong?
>> Thanks,
>> Innes
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