[Mono-list] Client side validation...

Hubert FONGARNAND hubertf-1@altern.org
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 09:41:10 +0100

Le Lundi 28 F=E9vrier 2005 20:59, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier a =E9crit=A0:
> On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 16:45 +0100, Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
> >Does someone know if client side validation will be implemented soon?
> >There's a ton of "unimplemented exception" in baseValidator.cs...
> >There's a lot of "ready-to-use" web component that use
> > clientsidevalidation... and it doesn't work at all...
> Client side validation is optional (probably browser specific)> and jus=
> avoids postbacks.=20
It could be useful to avoid some postbacks...=20

> If there's any component out there depending on code=20
> that might be different for different browsers or change from version t=
> version without notice, that component design is broken.
Many proprietary web component use client side validation... (you cannot =
the sources of them)

I've tested those component (treeview) on IE and FireFox, and there's no=20=

Is there a free/open source good treeview component that works with mono=20=

without client side validation?

> -Gonzalo
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