[Mono-list] Cross-Browser Session Mixing

Joe Audette joe_audette at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 08:51:47 EDT 2005

Another option is at the beginning of the request in
the global.asax.cs, you package up all the variables
into an object and store that in the HttpContext. Then
the object is available for any other controls or in
the page code for the duration of the request. You
have to populate this object from the db at the
beginning of every request but it scales well and
avoids session variables altogether.

Hope it helps,


--- "David P. Donahue" <ddonahue at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> > So what do you do without sessions?  Bundle all
> required data inside
> > each page, either in the URL (yuck) or as a set of
> hidden form
> > variables:
> > 
> > 	<input type="hidden" name="Foo" value="Bar"/>
> > 
> I came across that same idea back when I began
> developing websites with 
> .NET, but it's not feasible for me from a security
> standpoint.  Many of 
> these values I don't want the user to be able to
> change before posting 
> back to the server, or even see in some cases.  For
> my needs, the 
> information exchange for which I use Session
> variables must happen 
> entirely server-side.
> Regards,
> David P. Donahue
> ddonahue at ccs.neu.edu
> http://www.cyber0ne.com
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joe_audette [at] yahoo dotcom

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