[Mono-list] Destructor calling not working properly under Linux?

Jonathan Gilbert 2a5gjx302@sneakemail.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:31:17 -0500

At 08:57 PM 11/01/2005 +0100, Jurek Bartuszek wrote:
>| This is my understanding of the situation, anyway...
>| Jonathan Gilbert
>Hmm... so you suggest, that those objects aren't being destroyed at all?
>And one more question... is there anything in C# that would do the same
>as 'delete' in C++?

As I mentioned in the original reply, the closest thing to that is the
IDisposable interface.

There is nothing that directly erases the managed (.NET) parts of an
object; only the garbage collector can do that. However, if an object
represents unmanaged resources which must be shut down correctly (such as a
connection to a database, or a file with some data still in the write
cache), then as you are looking for it does make sense to have a way to
release the object's resources. In .NET, the standard way to do this is
with the IDisposable interface. It gives the implementing object (or rather
requires of it) a function "Dispose()", which can be called when the
resources should be released. It is possible for the function to be called
more than once, so the object should keep track of whether it has already
been called. The interface is actually linked into the language, too. Here
is a short example:

class UnmanagedResource : IDisposable
  // The following three function declarations (marked "extern") permit
  // functions in a DLL/shared object to be called directly from C# code.
  static extern IntPtr AllocateResource(); // IntPtr is equivalent to 'void
*' in C/C++
  static extern void UseResource(IntPtr resource);
  static extern void ReleaseResource(IntPtr resource);

  IntPtr resource_handle;

  public UnmanagedResource()
    resource_handle = AllocateResource(); // call into the unmanaged library

    if (resource_handle == IntPtr.Zero) // IntPtr.Zero is equivalent to
NULL in C/C++
      throw new Exception("The UnmanagedResource failed to initialize
(AllocateResource returned NULL).");

  ~UnmanagedResource() // in the event that we DO get finalized, dispose of

  bool disposed = false;
  object disposal_sync = new object(); // only needed if multiple threads
are used

  public void Dispose() // implementing IDisposable.Dispose()
    lock (disposal_sync)
      if (!disposed) // make sure we only release the resource once!
        disposed = true;

  // ..and here is the interface to the .NET world:
  public void UseResource()
    lock (disposal_sync)
      if (disposed)
        throw new ObjectDisposedException();


Okay, I'll admit: This looks like a formidable piece of code. However, each
bit of its operation is relatively simple to understand. I don't know how
much you know about .NET, so I'll explain everything. Forgive me if I go
into too much detail :-)

First, the DllImport attributes are part of a .NET system called Platform
Invoke. Without necessarily understanding precisely what it is doing behind
the scenes, this can be taken as roughly equivalent to using
dlopen()/LoadLibrary() and such to invoke functions in a shared object at
runtime. The .NET runtime handles the details of translating the arguments
and return value to/from the .NET world. This is certainly much smoother
than Java's JNI :-)

Next, the constructor and the finalizer (C# terminology for what looks like
a C++ destructor). In the constructor, the .DLL/.so is invoked to create an
instance of a resource managed perhaps by a body of C code. Whatever the
resource is, it's certain that the .NET garbage collector does not know
about it. In the finalizer, we simply call Dispose(), since that is how the
code outside of the class will have to dispose of the resource.

The Dispose() function, as you can see, is careful to ensure that the
object is only disposed once. Many C libraries will crash or otherwise
behave unexpectedly if you release a resource more than once, so this is

Finally, to enable the resource to actually be used, the .DLL/.so function
'UseResource' is mapped onto by a C# function of the same name. In keeping
with the OOP paradigm, the implicit argument ('this') takes the place of
the first parameter to UseResource; the actual value of the handle is
stored within the class. Since the object can be disposed, it's important
to make sure we don't call into the .DLL/.so if the resource has already
been released (that would, in general, be _bad_ :-).

Within Dispose() and UseResource(), there is synchronization to prevent the
object from being disposed during another thread's call to UseResource().
This can be omitted entirely (just remove the 'lock () { }' bits). If the
synchronization *is* necessary, and the library is threadsafe (i.e.,
UseResource() is re-entrant), it might be worth investing in a
reader/writer lock; that way, multiple calls to UseResource could overlap,
but Dispose() could be kept exclusive.

The IDisposable interface and ObjectDisposedExceptions are an integral part
of the .NET class library; both of them are in the 'System' namespace along
with Int32, Console and the like. The C# language acknowledges the
existence of IDisposable with a construct called "using". The best way to
describe "using" is by showing the equivalent try/finally construct.

When you write the following code:

using (UnmanagedResource handle = new UnmanagedResource())

..the compiler translates it as though you had written the following
longer, uglier version:

  UnmanagedResource handle = null;

    handle = new UnmanagedResource();

    IDisposable disposable_handle = handle as IDisposable;

    if (disposable_handle != null)

In other words, a "using" block guarantees that an IDisposable object will
have its Dispose() method called before code execution leaves the "using"

This e-mail has turned out a lot longer than I anticipated, but I think
I've covered all of the key points for the C# unmanaged resource
allocation/deallocation model :-) Let me know if you have any more questions.

Have a good one,

Jonathan Gilbert