[Mono-list] Problem with browser detection

Hubert FONGARNAND hubertf-1@altern.org
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 15:05:40 +0100

The previous message was a fake...
this method is well implemented... but mono looks for my browscap.ini in =
a bad=20
place : /usr/etc/mono/1.0/
I had to do a : cp /usr/etc/mono/browscap.ini /usr/etc/mono/1.0/browscap.=
and it works!

Le Mardi 22 F=E9vrier 2005 11:31, Hubert FONGARNAND a =E9crit=A0:
> the method :
> 	string buttineur=3Dthis.Request.Browser.Browser.ToString();
> always return "Unknown"
> if I take a look on the HttpBrowserCapabilities.cs class, I could see
> easyly that this function isn't implemented :
> 		public string Browser {
> 			get {
> 				if (!Get (HaveBrowser)) {
> 					Set (HaveBrowser);
> 					browser =3D this ["browser"];
> 					if (browser =3D=3D null)
> 						browser =3D "Unknown";
> 				}
> 				return browser;
> 			}
> 		}
> Could someone help me on how to implement it...
> This function is very important if you want to implement compatibility
> between IE and FireFox...

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