[Mono-list] different behavior between .NET and Mono

A Rafael D Teixeira rafael.teixeirabr@terra.com.br
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 17:42:56 -0200

AFAIK, our ADO.NET provider for SQLServer (it is part of Mono) only can
connect with SQL password, as the other protocol is a closed one that
ties with ActiveDirectory and/or NT Domain Controllers. 

Configure your database server to accept SQL connections, otherwise we
can't connect to it.


On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 17:18, Michael George wrote:
> I am completely new to Mono.  I'm trying to help someone migrate from a
> Microsoft/IIS/.NET system to a Linux/Apache/Mono system.
> We have both a Microsoft 2003 Server system and a SuSE Linux system, so we
> can run the app in .NET while we (try to) incrementally migrate.  First
> step is to plop the same code from .NET into Mono while still connecting
> to the MS-SQL server on teh .NET system.
> Should be simple enough, I though, just move the code, change the
> connection string and "voila!", but no such luck.
> What I am running into and what I'm hoping for advice about, is that
> watching the MS-SQL server logging output, it appears that the .NET client
> initiates communications differently than the Mono client.
> Differences:
> .NET is using RPC, Mono is using SQL.
> The first query issued by .NET appears to be a connection to the database,
> as expected.  The first query issued by Mono is some strange call to a
> stored procedure that I cannot find anywhere in the system.
> I thought maybe I need ADO.NET installed (not in the mono RPMs), but as I
> understand, ADO is a db abstraction layer.  The authors of the app we want
> to migrade just used SqlClient wherever.
> Anyone have any advice for me?
> -Michael George
>  Ideal Solution, LLC
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira 
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