[Mono-list] Hello, Mono!

A Rafael D Teixeira rafael.teixeirabr@terra.com.br
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:44:18 -0200

Well the 'mono' you typed at prompt is just the runtime (the program
that will execute your programs)

you need to compile your C# code first using mcs:

mcs -target:exe HelloMono.cs

then you will have a HelloMono.exe that is your C# source compiled to
the standard (multiplataform) format.

Then you can execute it with:

mono HelloMono.exe

Hope it helps, Have fun

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 15:15, Hernán Nicolás Taboada wrote:
> ___
> namespace HelloMono
> {
> /// <summary>
> /// This is intended to be a funny presentation to the Mono-list
> /// ... i know is probably not that... funny, heh... anyway :p
> /// </summary>
>    class Hi
>    {
>       static void Main (string[] args)
>       {
>       System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, Mono!");
>       System.Console.ReadLine;
>       } // end main
>    } // end class
> } // end namespace
> ___
> Hello everybody! My name is Hernán and I'm totally new to both the
> Mono Project and the programming world. I'm starting to do my first
> steps reading books like "C# for the  absolute beginner" and so on,
> wich are very helpful for me because they explain the very basics of
> everything :D, really suitable for a totally rookie like me. In the
> other hand, I have a little of experience with Linux, I've installed a
> couple of distros, but I'm far to be a "linux literate", or a "serious
> enthusiast" yet. So well, I'm just trying to follow the exercises
> proposed in those books, so, I've installed Mono vía the YOU facility
> (it stands for YaST Online Update, and also YaST stands for Yet
> another Setup Tool, aw, I'm starting to love acronyms!), then if I try
> to run from a bash console:
> miSuse:/usr/bin # mono
> a lot of interesting compilation options appears but... I don't what
> to do with them :(. Also I've installed the monodevelop IDE but I
> can't figure out how to execute it. I'm using SUSE 9.1 on a laptop. To
> end, sorry if my english skills aren't the best, my native language is
> spanish but i try to do my best :) Well, hope to read from you soon!
> Sincerely,
> Hernán.
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira 
Mono Hacker since 16 Jul 2001 - http://www.go-mono.org/
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