[Mono-list] problem with embedded PNG resources
Sat, 12 Feb 2005 01:09:38 +0100
El vie, 11-02-2005 a las 17:39 -0500, Miguel de Icaza escribió:
> Hey,
> > arturo@ubuntuserver:~/programacion/mono/MORCILIA $ mono morcilia.exe
> >
> > Unhandled Exception: GLib.GException: No se ha podido abrir el archivo
> > «images/logo_ilias.png»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
> > in <0x000a4> Gdk.Pixbuf:.ctor (string)
> > in <0x000a4> MORCILIA.DruidInstaller:.ctor (string[])
> > in <0x00020> MORCILIA.GtkMorcilia:Main (string[])
> >
> > Why is it keeping path information? I want the png embedded, not
> > referencing any path...
> >
> > I can't understand why it happens. I'm calling Gdk.Pixbuf like:
> >
> > logo = new Gdk.Pixbuf("images/logo_ilias.png");
> >
> > but i tried logo = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null,"images/logo_ilias.png"), as i
> > saw it in Edd Dumbill excelent book, but don't know its effect, it also
> > fails on execution time. This method isn't still documented in monodoc.
> The constructor you are using expects a file name; you must use the
> constructor that takes an assembly and a resource name:
> pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (assembly, "logo_ilias.png");
Oookey, i was using a pathname. Now it's running :)
Thanks Miguel,