[Mono-list] mcs precise location patch is now in svn.

Ben Motmans ben.motmans at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 07:08:18 EDT 2005

On 8/2/05, Atsushi Eno <atsushi at ximian.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> My precise location patch for mcs (to report line/column, where it
> used to report incorrect locations) is now checked in svn.
> If any of you found such case that mcs does not report error location,
> please file a bug and/or report it here, with an example.
> Thanks,
> Atsushi Eno

using mcs r47994,
if the column is > 255, it starts counting from 0 again

if you compile the attached file 'Test3.cs', you get the message
Test3.cs(6,13): warning CS0168: The variable `a' is declared but never used
while the location should be (6,255+)

it only shows '255+' when there is an error/warning at column 255

-- Ben
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