[Mono-list] Re: OCIDateTime

Hubert FONGARNAND informatique.internet@fiducial.fr
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 16:33:54 +0200

Thank you for your answer...
I would like to use OCIDateTimeConstruct to build a OCIDateTime descripto=
in order to transform it into a byte array via the OCIDateTimeToArray=20

I've imported the OCIDateTimeConstruct in OCIcalls.cs

[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDateTimeConstruct (IntPtr hndl,
				IntPtr err, IntPtr datetime, short year, byte month, byte day, byte h=
byte min, byte sec, uint fsec, byte[] timezone, uint timezone_length);

my code :

IntPtr datetimepointer;
// allocating memory for OCIDateTime
datetimepointer =3D Marshal.AllocHGlobal (7); // size of an OCIDateTime
// Get size of buffer
string mytimezone =3D "GMT";
int =A0timesize =3D 0;
// Get size of buffer
OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, null, mytimezone, out=20
// Fill buffer
byte[] mybytes =3D new byte[timesize];
OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, bytes, mytimezone, out=20=

int err=3DOciCalls.OCIDateTimeConstruct(statement.Parent,connection.Error=
datetimepointer, 2005,4,18,15,0,0,0,mybytes,(uint)timesize);

I got a -2 error, the documentation tells me that the OCIDateTime descrip=
is bad...
How can I allocate a correct OCIDateTime descriptor????
(in c :=20
OCIDateTime mydatetime;)

Le Vendredi 15 Avril 2005 20:04, vous avez =E9crit=A0:
> OCIDate is an opaque C data type.
> Take a look at UnpackDate in OciDefineHandle.cs
> public DateTime UnpackDate ()
> {
> byte century =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 0);
> byte year =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 1);
> byte month =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 2);
> byte day =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 3);
> byte hour =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 4);
> byte minute =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 5);
> byte second =3D Marshal.ReadByte (value, 6);
> return new DateTime ((century - 100) * 100 + (year - 100),
> month,
> day,
> hour - 1,
> minute - 1,
> second - 1);
> }
> Note: there are these functions too which maybe a better way to get/set=

> date and time.
> OCIDateSetTime / OCIDataGetTime
> OCIDateSetDate / OCIDateGetDate
>   _____
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