[Mono-list] Need help to enhance oracle datetime parameter support...

Hubert FONGARNAND informatique.internet@fiducial.fr
Fri, 15 Apr 2005 17:28:45 +0200


	I want to enhance oracle datetime parameter support. Today, oracledatetime
parameter is sended as a string to the oracle server... It's not the way that
MS.NET does...
MS.NET send the datetime in a byte array. This method don't depend on the
NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.
I think it would be better if mono use this method.

There's a OCI method to do that : OCIDateTimeToArray
So i've imported OCIDateTimeToArray and OCIDateTimeFromText in OCICalls.cs :

internal static int OCIDateTimeToArray (IntPtr hndl,
			IntPtr errhp, IntPtr datetime, IntPtr interval, byte[] outarray,
 [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] out int length, uint fsprec)
OciNativeCalls.OCIDateTimeToArray(hndl,errhp,datetime,interval,outarray, out

internal static int OCIDateTimeFromText (IntPtr hndl,
			IntPtr errhp, [In][Out] byte[] date_str, uint dstr_length,
			[In][Out] byte[] fmt, uint fmt_length,
			[In][Out] byte[] lang_name,uint lang_length, IntPtr datetime)
ngth,lang_name,lang_length,datetime); }

We must :
-create a OCIDateTime structure with the sDate String (with
-convert this OCIDateTime structure to a byte array with (OCIDateTimeToArray)

but i don't know how to allocate a OCIDateTime Structure in managed code...
Could you help me to implement that????


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