[Mono-list] How does xsp search for assemblies?

Daniel Freund daniel.freund@zkrd.de
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:23:42 +0200

What kind of IDE are you using? Be aware that Visual Studio.NET uses 
incremental compiling, which is not supported by Mono. The result are 
error messages like the one you described. Be sure to rebuild the whole 
project in VS.



sarvesh schrieb:
> Hi,
>  We keep getting this error.
> Server Error in '/' Application
> Error message: Cannot find type LoginComponent.LoginComponent
> Source Error: <%@ Control Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false"
> Codebehind="LoginComponent.ascx.cs" Inherits="LoginComponent.LoginComponent"
> %>
> <div class="title">
>             Login
> </div>
> I understand that it cannot find the dll. But the dll is present in the same
> folder. I would like to know where and in what order does XSP search for the
> dlls. Any docs and has anyone faced a similar problem.
> Regards, 
> sarvesh

Daniel Freund              Zentrales Knochenmarkspender-Register
Software Developer         fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
                            (German Ntl Bone Marrow Donor Registry)
phone: +49 (731) 1507-45   ZKRD gGmbH, P.O.B. 4244, D-89032 Ulm
fax  : +49 (731) 1507-01   http://www.zkrd.de