[Mono-list] wsdl file containg a schemalocation

Biju Arjunan bijuarjunan@lycos.com
Wed, 01 Sep 2004 07:33:25 -0500

> When I said "wsdl url-to-schema", url-to-schema was a replacement for
> your url, not an option. 

<biju>I still didn't get what do u meant by url-to-schema, You meant change the
URL to the xsd file. Does wsdl generate classes for xsd files?
because when I say wrong file name 

wsdl AuthenticationClient.x
Mono Web Services Description Language Utility
Error: Unrecognized file type 'AuthenticationClient.x'. Extension must be one of .wsdl or .xsd

Then I tried to give correct xsd file

wsdl Authentication.xsd
Mono Web Services Description Language Utility
Error: No WSDL document was found at the url Authentication.xsd

Sounds weired?

I have the following suggestions
1) wsdl tool has to report error when giving unrecognized options
2) Report more exception if something going wrong when generating proxy classes.

Imported schemas should be downloaded
> automatically.

<biju> Documentation says it but fails to download the schema.

> I can't, I had to change the http://pc55.abcinc.com/xns/gen/xns
> references to local references.

<biju> Obviously you cannot, cause the URL is not exposed to internet, thats
why I told u to put the xsd in the localhost and give the localhost URL reference in the wsdl file.
> It looks like a bug since MS.NET is able to process that file. Can you
> please file a bug report in bugzilla.ximian.com?

<biju> Sure.

Biju A

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