[Mono-list] System.Runtime.Remoting status

Matthijs ter Woord (meddochat) meddochat@zonnet.nl
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 18:40:07 +0200

Hi Andrés,

If you consider using Sockets for doing client-server programming, have a
look at Indy.NET (www.sourceforge.net/projects/indy-net). Indy.NET is a
framework for creating tcp/udp servers/clients for communication. Much
standard protocols (currently ftp + http, in the future more will be added
like imap, pop3, smtp nntp). Indy.NET also contains pluggable ssl/tls
support. Indy.NET is in it's early stages, so for now you'll have to work
with cvs.

Please let me know if something is unclear about Indy.NET.

Regards, meddochat

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrés Otón" <andres.oton@gmail.com>
To: <mono-list@lists.ximian.com>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 6:32 PM
Subject: [Mono-list] System.Runtime.Remoting status


I want to use mono to do a application client-server. I'm newby at
csharp and mono but I have a long time at c++ programing. I have read
at book Visual C# .Net how to use System.Remoting but it's seem that
mono hasn't System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.

I want to know the general state of System.Runtime.Remoting and if is
posible colaborate to finish it. I could try it. By other side, is
finished System.Net? I think that I prefer Remoting to Net but this
question still is not been determinated.

I have mono versión 1.1.1 from go-mono.com to Suse 9.1

Thanks by all.

P.D.: This is a great project. My greetings to all developers.

| Andrés Otón Urbano                   | Jabber:Baxas en bulmalug.net|
| Estudiante Ing. de Telecomunicación  | Linux User: 297070          |
| Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena |  andres.oton en gmail.com   |

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