[Mono-list] Paths to temporary files

Arnaud Bienvenu arnaud.bienvenu@makina-corpus.org
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 09:12:18 +0100

Charles Martin a écrit :
> Well guys, I'm still struggling with that permission issue and I wish to 
> permanently resolve this error :
> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 
> "/root/tmp/nobody-temp-aspnet/e828334c" is denied.

I guess you launch apache manually from user root (on Mandrake, as you 
stated), so before launching apache, do :
export TMP="/tmp"
export TMPDIR="/tmp"

I think your problem is not related to mono, but only to your apache 
setup. However, Gonzalo's tip may be a good one too:
<compilation tempDirectory="/blah/blah" />

Arnaud Bienvenu
Makina Corpus