[Mono-list] RE: [Mono-announce-list] New Windows installer from Mono CVS (mono- 0.91 .99-win32-4.exe)

Rahul Hukku rahul.hukku@ideacellular.com
Thu, 27 May 2004 12:12:03 +0530

hey gonzalo ,

That's a great job done.

I am from INDIA and would like to translate the installer in HINDI.

can u help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gonzalo Paniagua Javier [mailto:gonzalo@ximian.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:06 AM
To: Monkey Business; Mono Announce
Subject: [Mono-announce-list] New Windows installer from Mono CVS
(mono-0.91 .99-win32-4.exe)

Hi there,

I uploaded a windows installer with current mono/mcs to

It includes the new nunit, tons of fixes and improvements in the runtme
and class libraries plus some fixes to the .bat files generated.

It's also the first release that includes a translation of the
installer, into Spanish, of course :). If you want to have the installer
translated into your language, drop me an email and i'll send you the
file with the strings to translate (just 6 or 7, don't be afraid).


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