[Mono-list] ASP.NET/Mono/SUSE 9/Apache 2

Keith Murray kmurray@leoninedev.com
Fri, 14 May 2004 12:44:18 -0400

Looking through the archives, it appears that there is a problem with
mod_mono and SUSE9/Apache2. I wonder if anyone has resolved this.

I tried the latest mono and mod_mono with the Apache2. Following the
instructions, the best I could get was the .aspx page returned to the
browser without being processed. I uninstalled the Apache2 RPM's and built
Apache2 from source. I end up with the same results. I'm sure mod_mono is
loading, but it appears to not be processing the pages.

I'd be happy to debug the problem in Apache and mod_mono if someone can give
me some hints on how to best setup Apache for debugging. I turned on the
debugging in mod_mono.c and got some messages on startup. But after that,
nothing to the screen or apache log files.

Keith Murray
Senior Software Engineer

Leonine Development Services, Inc.