[Mono-list] Patch for sqlsharpgtk

Francisco T. Martinez martinf@mfconsulting.com
Fri, 26 Mar 2004 10:12:54 -0600

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The included patch should fix some of the compilation problems
sqlgtksharp has been suffering due to evolutionary changes in GTK#.  The
patch was put together for the module found in Mono's anonymous access
CVS repository.

Interested parties can get a hold of this module by checking it out of
anonymous CVS -- detailed steps to access that CVS repository can be
found here: http://www.go-mono.com/anoncvs.html

To chekcout:

  Create a directory of your choice and change to it.
    mkdir ~/monocvs && cd ~/monocvs

  Export the CVSROOT environment variable.
    export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.go-mono.com:/mono

  Run the following line at the prompt
    cvs -z3 co sqlsharpgtk

To Patch:

  Copy the attached file sqlsharpgtk.patch to the base project directory

  Change to the project directory if necessary
    cd ~/monocvs/sqlsharpgtk

  Run the patch utility as follows
    patch -p 1 <./sqlsharpgtk.patch
To compile and run:

  Change to the directory containing the Makefile
    cd ~/monocvs/sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk

  Compile the project

  If in Windows use
    nmake -f Makefile

  Run the resulting assembly
    mono sqlsharpgtk.exe

This was tested to work with both Linux and Windows running Mono Runtime
0.30 and GTK# 0.17

Best reguards to everyone...


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diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/AssemblyInfo.cs sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/AssemblyInfo.cs	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/AssemblyInfo.cs	2004-03-26 06:05:14.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+// Information about this assembly is defined by the following
+// attributes.
+// change them to the information which is associated with the assembly
+// you compile.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Interactive SQL workbench application written using GTK# for the GUI")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// The assembly version has following format :
+// Major.Minor.Build.Revision
+// You can specify all values by your own or you can build default build and revision
+// numbers with the '*' character (the default):
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+// The following attributes specify the key for the sign of your assembly. See the
+// .NET Framework documentation for more information about signing.
+// This is not required, if you don't want signing let these attributes like they're.
+[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
+[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/ChangeLog sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/ChangeLog
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/ChangeLog	2004-01-25 20:11:09.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/ChangeLog	2004-03-26 06:35:30.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
-2004-01-25  Daniel Morgan <danielmorgan@verizon.net>
-	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: fix AppendTextWithoutScroll causing
-	Mono to crash
-2004-01-11  Daniel Morgan <danielmorgan@verizon.net>
-	* DataGrid.cs
-	* LoginDialog.cs
-	* Makefile
-	* SqlEditorSharp.cs
-	* SqlSharpDataAdapter.cs
-	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: changes to get it to build
-	  with GTK# 0.15 and Mono 0.29 releases
-2003-11-13  Pedro Martínez Juliá  <yoros@wanadoo.es>
-	* LoginDialog.cs
-	* SqlEditorSharp.cs
-	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: Updated to the new changes in gtk-sharp
-	library.
+2004-03-26  Francisco "Paco" Martinez <paco@mfcon.com>
+	* DataGrid.cs: Changes resulting from GTK# evolutionay improvements
+	* SqlEditorSharp.cs: Changes resulting from GTK# evolutionay improvements
+	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: Changes resulting from GTK# evolutionay improvements
+	* Makefile: Added the AssemblyInfo.cs file to the sources variable
+	* AssemblyInfo.cs: Added this file to provide enhanced metadata and version information
+	about the sqlsharpgtk.exe assembly
+2004-01-25  Daniel Morgan <danielmorgan@verizon.net>
+	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: fix AppendTextWithoutScroll causing
+	Mono to crash
+2004-01-11  Daniel Morgan <danielmorgan@verizon.net>
+	* DataGrid.cs
+	* LoginDialog.cs
+	* Makefile
+	* SqlEditorSharp.cs
+	* SqlSharpDataAdapter.cs
+	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: changes to get it to build
+	  with GTK# 0.15 and Mono 0.29 releases
+2003-11-13  Pedro Martínez Juliá  <yoros@wanadoo.es>
+	* LoginDialog.cs
+	* SqlEditorSharp.cs
+	* sqlsharpgtk.cs: Updated to the new changes in gtk-sharp
+	library.
 2003-10-16  Daniel Morgan <danielmorgan@verizon.net>
diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/DataGrid.cs sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/DataGrid.cs
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/DataGrid.cs	2004-01-10 23:27:58.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/DataGrid.cs	2004-03-26 06:05:14.000000000 -0600
@@ -226,9 +226,7 @@
 		public TreeIter NewRow () 
-			TreeIter rowTreeIter = new TreeIter();
-			store.Append (out rowTreeIter);
-			return rowTreeIter;
+			return store.Append();
 		public void AddRow (object[] columnValues) 
diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/Makefile sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/Makefile
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/Makefile	2004-01-10 23:27:58.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/Makefile	2004-03-26 06:31:45.000000000 -0600
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 GTK_SHARP_LIBS = -r glib-sharp -r gdk-sharp -r pango-sharp -r atk-sharp -r gtk-sharp -r System.Drawing
-SOURCES = sqlsharpgtk.cs SqlEditorSharp.cs LoginDialog.cs DbProvider.cs DbProviderCollection.cs DataGrid.cs FileSelectionDialog.cs SqlSharpDataAdapter.cs
+SOURCES = sqlsharpgtk.cs SqlEditorSharp.cs LoginDialog.cs DbProvider.cs DbProviderCollection.cs DataGrid.cs FileSelectionDialog.cs SqlSharpDataAdapter.cs AssemblyInfo.cs
 all : $(PROJECT)
diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/SqlEditorSharp.cs sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/SqlEditorSharp.cs
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/SqlEditorSharp.cs	2004-01-10 23:27:58.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/SqlEditorSharp.cs	2004-03-26 06:05:14.000000000 -0600
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@
 			char ch = ' ';
 			insert_mark = sqlTextBuffer.InsertMark;
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtMark (out insert_iter, insert_mark);
+			insert_iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtMark (insert_mark);
 			//line = insert_iter.Line;
 			/* get the starting and ending text iterators */
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (out start_iter, 0);
+			start_iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (0);
 			char_count = sqlTextBuffer.CharCount;
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (out end_iter, char_count);
+			end_iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (char_count);
 			SqlSharpGtk.DebugWriteLine ("char_count: " + char_count);
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
 			 * - SQL keywords (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, UPDATE, etc)
 			//if (line != line_last_changed) {
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (out start_iter, 0);
+			start_iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (0);
 			//else {
 			//	if (insert_iter.StartsLine () == true) {
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
 			// get starting and ending iters 
 			// and character count of line
 			char_count = sqlTextBuffer.CharCount;
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (out end_iter, char_count);
+			end_iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (char_count);
 			// for each line, look for:
 			// line comments, constants, and keywoards 
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
 			StreamWriter sw = null;
 			sw = new StreamWriter(outFilename);			
-			sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (out iter, 0);
+			iter = sqlTextBuffer.GetIterAtOffset (0);
 			start_iter = iter;
 			while (iter.ForwardLine()) {
 				text = sqlTextBuffer.GetText(start_iter, iter, false);
diff -Naur sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk.cs sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk.cs
--- sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk.cs	2004-01-25 20:11:09.000000000 -0600
+++ sqlsharpgtk-200403260607/sqlsharpgtk/sqlsharpgtk.cs	2004-03-26 06:05:14.000000000 -0600
@@ -112,9 +112,10 @@
 		public void CreateGui() 
 			win = new Gtk.Window (ApplicationName);
-			win.DeleteEvent += new GtkSharp.DeleteEventHandler(OnWindow_Delete);
+			win.DeleteEvent += new Gtk.DeleteEventHandler(OnWindow_Delete);
 			win.BorderWidth = 4;
-			win.DefaultSize = new Size (450, 300);
+			win.SetDefaultSize (450, 300);
+			// win.DefaultSize = new Gtk.Size (450, 300);
 			VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 4);
 			win.Add (vbox);
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
 			paned.Add1 (sourceFileNotebook);
 			sourceFileNotebook.SwitchPage += new 
-				GtkSharp.SwitchPageHandler(OnEditorTabSwitched);
+				Gtk.SwitchPageHandler(OnEditorTabSwitched);
 			// bottom panel
 			resultsNotebook = CreateOutputResultsGui ();
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
 			editor.UseSyntaxHiLighting = true;
 			editor.View.Show ();
 			editor.View.KeyPressEvent +=
-				new GtkSharp.KeyPressEventHandler(OnKeyPressEventKey);
+				new Gtk.KeyPressEventHandler(OnKeyPressEventKey);
 			lastUnknownFile ++;
 			string unknownFile = "Unknown" + 
@@ -231,14 +232,14 @@
 			return sw;
-		void OnKeyPressEventKey(object o, GtkSharp.KeyPressEventArgs args) 
+		void OnKeyPressEventKey(object o, Gtk.KeyPressEventArgs args) 
 			if (o is TextView) {
 				TextView tv = (TextView) o;
 				//Gdk.EventKey k = args.Event;
 				// if the F5 key was pressed
-				if (args.Event.keyval == 0xFFC2) {
+				if (args.Event.KeyValue == 0xFFC2) {
 					if (tv.Editable == true) {
 						// execute SQL
 						ExecuteSQL (ExecuteOutputType.Normal, "");
@@ -605,14 +606,14 @@
 			win.Title = title;
-		void OnEditorTabSwitched (object o, GtkSharp.SwitchPageArgs args) 
+		void OnEditorTabSwitched (object o, Gtk.SwitchPageArgs args) 
 			int page = (int) args.PageNum;
 			EditorTab tab = FindEditorTab(page);
 			UpdateTitleBar (tab);
-		void OnWindow_Delete (object o, GtkSharp.DeleteEventArgs args) 
+		void OnWindow_Delete (object o, Gtk.DeleteEventArgs args) 
