[Mono-list] About the thumbnail creator

Denis Gervalle Denis.Gervalle@softec.st
Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:34:56 +0200

Replace "wc.LoadUrl(args[0]);" by "wc.LoadUrl(url);" and maybe, it will 
works better when the url is not provided as the first argument. 
Checking that url is not null before proceding may also be useful when 
you forget to provide an Url.

Denis Gervalle

Benoit Caccinolo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Did anyone try the code to generate web page thumbnails given by Miguel
> de Icaza on his blog
> (http://primates.ximian.com/~miguel/archive/2004/Jun-14.html)
> The resulting shot has the good size but it is empty. I'm using Mono
> Beta2 from the sources on a Debian. 
> An idea ? 