[Mono-list] webservice and error 500
KiOrKY <kiorky@goddess-gate.com>
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 10:45:24 +0200
i have forgotten to say that i have tried to put thuis application on a windows distant client and it runs, so its with mono that something goes wrong :( (at the oment tyhe client was on the same box)
is neccesary to recompile applications on mono, because i copy pasgte windows webservice client (ASP.Net) on my box.
If it is, which tool can make me th eproxy ... like wsdl.exe on windows
KiOrKY <kiorky@goddess-gate.com> wrote :
> well, its not iis which is defficient... any idea from where comes this 401
> error? GRRRRRRr!
> my code is:
> private void button1_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
> {
> try
> {
> Websrvcl.localhost.Service1 srv = new Websrvcl.localhost.Service1();
> srv.Credentials = new
> System.Net.NetworkCredential("kiorky","*********");
> srv.PreAuthenticate = true;
> smachaine = ""+ srv.HelloWorld();
> Label1.Text=smachaine;
> }
> catch (System.Exception ex)
> {
> Response.Write(ex.Message);
> }
> this code runs on windows but the site is hosted on the same machine...
> regards
> KiOrKY <kiorky@goddess-gate.com>
> wrote :
> > tHANKS, i have just a 401 error but its the distant server !
> > regards
> >
> > Bopm &lt;bopm@udaff.com&gt;
> > wrote :
> >
> > &gt; Kill all mod_mono_server.exe after recompilation. It's not
> restart with
> >
> > &gt; apache now.
> > &gt;
> > &gt; --
> > &gt; wbr, Sergey 'bopm' Moiseev.
> > &gt;
> > &gt; On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, kiorky wrote:
> > &gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; why have i this error when i use a distant
> webservice???
> > &gt; &amp;gt; i have copy paste my windows files (under visual
> studio) with
> > just a
> > &gt; few
> > &gt; &amp;gt; modifications (urls) on linux, and configure apache
> well
> > (asdp.net
> > &gt; &amp;gt; applications run)
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Server error in '/webclient' application
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Description: Error processing request.
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Error Message: HTTP 500.
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Stack Trace:
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; System.ArgumentException: Culture name rvice is not
> supported.
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Parameter name: rvice
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x000f2&amp;gt;
> > &gt; System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CreateSpecificCulture
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (string)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; System.Reflection.Assembly:FillName
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Reflection.AssemblyName)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00004&amp;gt; (wrapper
> managed-to-native)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; System.Reflection.Assembly:FillName
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Reflection.AssemblyName)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x0002f&amp;gt;
> System.Reflection.Assembly:GetName
> > (bool)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00013&amp;gt;
> System.Reflection.Assembly:GetName
> > ()
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x0004f&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:AddAssembly
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x000b4&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:AddAssembliesInBin ()
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x001c1&amp;gt;
> System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:.ctor
> > ()
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00018&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:.ctor ()
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00034&amp;gt;
> System.Web.UI.PageParser:.ctor
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (string,string,System.Web.HttpContext)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00037&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (string,string,System.Web.HttpContext)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00011&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (System.Web.HttpContext,string,string,string)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00374&amp;gt;
> > System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler
> > &gt; &amp;gt; (System.Web.HttpContext,string,string,string)
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00122&amp;gt;
> CreateHandlerState:Execute ()
> > &gt; &amp;gt; in &amp;lt;0x00084&amp;gt;
> StateMachine:ExecuteState
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> (System.Web.HttpApplication/IStateHandler,bool&amp;amp;)
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > _____________________________________________________________________
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Un mot doux à envoyer? Une sortie ciné à organiser?
> Faites le en
> > temps
> > &gt; &amp;gt; réel avec MSN Messenger! C'est gratuit! http://ifrance.com/_reloc/m
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> > &gt; &amp;gt; _______________________________________________
> > &gt; &amp;gt; Mono-list maillist - Mono-list@lists.ximian.com
> > &gt; &amp;gt; http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-list
> > &gt; &amp;gt;
> >
> > --
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> >
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> --
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> Debian User
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> -- Mathieu PASQUET
> -- Testeur Debian SID
> -- irc: #debian-fr / irc.freenode.net port: 6667
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Debian User
-- Mathieu PASQUET
-- Testeur Debian SID
-- irc: #debian-fr / irc.freenode.net port: 6667
-- Site: www.fr.debian.org