[Mono-list] Live CD with mono?

Daniel Carrera dcarrera@math.umd.edu
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 20:25:15 -0400

On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 08:12:08PM -0400, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> The reason why you might want to talk to Kano is because he's willing to 
> make customized LiveCD's for people.  I don't know if he charges for that 
> or not though.

Btw, you can locate the Kanotix team (and Kano) on IRC.

Server:  irc.freenode.net
Channel: #kanotix

Daniel Carrera | No trees were harmed in the generation of this
PhD student.   | e-mail.  A significant number of electrons were,
Math Dept. UMD | however, severely inconvenienced.