[Mono-list] Tao?
Tim Rädisch
Fri, 9 Jul 2004 13:21:23 +0200
Am Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2004 04:42 schrieb Kent Loobey:
> Does Tao work with the Mono 1.0 release?
Some weeks ago I tried Tao with Mono, but it was no great success. But here is
a nice project using OpenGL with Mono. http://www.csdragons.de/?id=15&lang=en
It is in early development, so there isn't much documentation. But a few
examples which should explain the use.
There is also a Gtk#-Widget for embedding OpenGL into Gtk#, but since the new
Mono and Gtk# releases this just causes X errors.
But we are still working ....