[Mono-list] Syslog Access

Craig Dayton cadayton@starband.net
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 21:35:10 -0700

Perhaps exploring the possibility of using PerlNet a product marketed by
ActiveState might be a cost effective solution.

With PerlNet, one can define an Interface to any module on CPAN and compile
it as a library or executable.  So from a developer's prospective, a
programmer can leverage modules in CPAN and the .NET community all within a
single executable.  Thanks to Mono this capability is now extended to the
Unix world. No sense in reinventing the wheel is there?  


>-----Original Message-----
>From: mono-list-admin@lists.ximian.com 
>[mailto:mono-list-admin@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan Pryor
>Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 18:56
>To: Clint Fairchild
>Cc: mono-list@lists.ximian.com
>Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Syslog Access
>On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 17:34, Clint Fairchild wrote:
>> Is there a simple solution to access syslog with C#?  I'm attempting 
>> to write a daemon.
>The answer should be System.Diagnostics.EventLog.  Alas, it 
>isn't, because no one has implemented a shim to make syslog 
>look like a Windows Event Log yet.  Sorry, it hasn't been a priority.
>You'll have to P/Invoke syslog(3) directly.  Lucky you, I 
>wrote a short demo of "Hello, world" for syslog(3).  Unlucky 
>you, I was lazy and used the constant values in 
>/usr/include/sys/syslog.h on Fedora Core 2.  This should be 
>good for Linux systems, but the constants will have different 
>values on other Unix platforms, so a "real" solution would 
>mimic Mono.Posix.
>	// syslog example:
>	using System;
>	using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
>	class Syslog_h {
>		[Flags]
>		public enum Option {
>			Pid        = 0x01,
>			Console    = 0x02,
>			Delay      = 0x04,
>			NoDelay    = 0x08,
>			NoWait     = 0x10,
>			PrintError = 0x20
>		}
>		[Flags]
>		public enum Facility {
>			Kernel   = 0 << 3,
>			User     = 1 << 3,
>			Mail     = 2 << 3,
>			Daemon   = 3 << 3,
>			Auth     = 4 << 3,
>			Syslog   = 5 << 3,
>			Lpr      = 6 << 3,
>			News     = 7 << 3,
>			Uucp     = 8 << 3,
>			Cron     = 8 << 3,
>			AuthPriv = 10 << 3,
>			Ftp      = 11 << 3,
>			Local0   = 16 << 3,
>			Local1   = 17 << 3,
>			Local2   = 18 << 3,
>			Local3   = 19 << 3,
>			Local4   = 20 << 3,
>			Local5   = 21 << 3,
>			Local6   = 22 << 3,
>			Local7   = 23 << 3,
>		}
>		[Flags]
>		public enum Level {
>			Emerg   = 0,
>			Alert   = 1,
>			Crit    = 2,
>			Err     = 3,
>			Warning = 4,
>			Notice  = 5,
>			Info    = 6,
>			Debug   = 7
>		}
>		// Note that `ident' is an IntPtr, not a string;
>		// see Demo.Main() for why
>		[DllImport ("libc")]
>		public static extern void openlog (IntPtr ident, 
>			Option option, Facility facility);
>		[DllImport ("libc")]
>		public static extern void syslog (int priority, 
>			string message);
>		[DllImport ("libc")]
>		public static extern void closelog ();
>	}
>	class Demo {
>		public static void Main (string[] args)
>		{
>			// Ident needs to be an IntPtr, not a string, 
>			// as syslog doesn't copy the string; it 
>			// assumes that the string won't change.  
>			// Since strings are garbage collected, the
>			// string will eventually be collected, causing
>			// syslog(3) to print garbage for the ident
>			// unless we make sure `ident' is allocated in
>			// unmanaged memory:
>			IntPtr ident = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (
>				"this is my ident");
>			Syslog_h.openlog (ident,
>				Syslog_h.Option.Console | 
>Syslog_h.Option.Pid |
>					Syslog_h.Option.PrintError,
>				Syslog_h.Facility.User);
>			Syslog_h.syslog ((int) Syslog_h.Facility.User | 
>				(int) Syslog_h.Level.Debug,
>				"Hello, syslog!");
>			Syslog_h.closelog ();
>			Marshal.FreeHGlobal (ident);
>		}
>	}
> - Jon
>Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com 