AW: [Mono-list] Requested feature for System.IO
Sijmen Mulder
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:16:22 +0200
>Maybe it could be placed into the Mono namespace, then it hasn't got
>anything to do with compatiblity to Microsofts .NET. And Mono rocks ;-)
Yes! Would be fun.
But if we're going to talk about the mono namespace - im out.. never looked
at it.. might be a good time to do!
Sijmen Mulder
<gandalf> to the bridge of khazad dûm!
*!* balrog has entered #thebridgeofkhazaddum
<gandalf> flee! this enemy is too strong for all of you!
<frodo> gandalf!
<ganfalf> balrog: fire of ûdun, turn back to the shadow!
* balrog tries to hit gandalf
<gandalf> balrog: i wield the secret fire, the flame of anor!
* gandalf uses "shield of anor"
<gandalf> balrog: turn back tio the shadow!
*!* balrog was kicked from #thebridgeofkhazaddum by gandalf
* gandalf turns around
* balrog takes gandalf by the leg
*!* gandalf has quit ["run, fools!"]
<frodo> noooooo!
<aragorn> frodo!
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