[Mono-list] Web usercontrol with XSP 0.5
Akhilesh Agarwal
Sun, 7 Sep 2003 05:21:52 +0530
I have Mono 0.26, XSP 0.5 running on Redhat 9
I wanted to know if web user controls have been implemented yet?
I made a simple web control which displays a copyright message on the =
page. When I try to open the aspx file hosted on XSP I get an error:
System.ArgumentException: Arg_InvalidUTF8
Parameter name: bytes
in <0x003ec> 00 System.Text.UTF8Encoding:InternalGetChars =
in <0x00038> 00 .UTF8Decoder:GetChars (byte[],int,int,char[],int)
in <0x0013d> 00 System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer ()
in <0x00051> 08 System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer ()
in <0x000c9> 00 System.IO.StreamReader:Read (char[],int,int)
in <0x0009a> 00 System.IO.StreamReader:ReadToEnd ()
in <0x00087> 00 System.Web.Compilation.ParseException:get_FileText ()
in <0x001b0> 00 System.Web.HttpException:GetHtmlizedErrorMessage ()
in <0x0006a> 00 System.Web.HttpException:GetHtmlErrorMessage ()
in <0x0014c> 00 System.Web.HttpRuntime:FinishRequest =
in <0x000ea> 00 System.Web.HttpRuntime:OnHandlerReady =
in <0x0004e> 01 System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_IAsyncResult =
in <0x00054> 00 System.Web.HttpAsyncResult:Complete =
in <0x0021b> 00 .StateMachine:ExecuteNext (System.Exception)
in <0x00045> 00 .StateMachine:ExecuteNextAsync (System.Exception)
in <0x00022> 00 .StateMachine:Start ()
in <0x0006d> 00 =
st (System.Web.HttpContext,System.AsyncCallback,object)
in <0x00227> 00 System.Web.HttpRuntime:InternalExecuteRequest =
If I remove the following line from the aspx and also remove the web =
usercontrol then I get no errors.
<%@ Register TagPrefix=3D"uc1" TagName=3D"Copyright" =
Src=3D"Copyright.ascx" %>
Any ideas?
Akhilesh Agarwal