[Mono-list] how to enable ICU / check it is enabled?

Chris Turchin chris@turchin.net
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 06:13:05 -0800 (PST)

hi d-fuse,

when i did

=2E/autogen.sh --prefix=3D/bla

after updating from cvs (and installing icu) at the end of the script it sh=
me which version of icu was installed (2.6.1 i think). i still have not got=
it to compile though :-/


(leaving for a bus. trip now though so i wont be able to try again until
friday...=B4hope that helps!)

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, D-Fuse wrote:

> Hey,
> when I tried to compile NAnt from the cvs, I got an
> internal exception. I reported this as a bug report to
> the NAnt and I was told that the cause was that my
> mono installation didn't have ICU support. I do
> remember seeing this somewhere when first compiling
> mono. I installed ICU and reconfigured/installed mono
> but I didn't see a reference to ICU anymore.
> How do I know for sure that mono picked up my ICU
> installation and included suppport for it? (because
> NAnt still doesn't work)
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