[Mono-list] Script Locations of WebUIValidation.js, SmartNav.js

Gaurav Vaish gvaish@adobe.com
Thu, 09 Oct 2003 11:03:53 +0530

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Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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    In the method

    I need information about the location of the WebUIValidator.js file kept
in system_web subdirectories when ASP.Net is registered using
aspnet_regiis.exe (-i option).

    Now, there can be many versions of the ASP.Net installed and hence many
JS files - as I can see three such locations on my computer corresponding to
1.0.3755..0, 1.0.3705.288 and 1.1.4322.

    I get this information from a method in class
System.Web.UI.Utils::GetScriptLocation(HttpContext) - but at the final
implementation point, I don't have the exact version information.

===>    How do I get this information of the version number?
===>    More precisely, the location of the JS script file.

    For IIS / .Net, it's installed in
        where <WWWROOT> generally corresponds to "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot"

    but for other implementations like on Apache (mod_mono) / XSP, the
installation path may differ or -- Gonazlo, are you using the same path for
the js file? The attachment contains this file... for 1.1.4322.


    internal static string GetScriptLocation(HttpContext context)
        IDictionary dict = context.GetConfig("system.web/webControls");
        string loc = null;
        if(dict != null)
            loc = dict["clientScriptsLocation"] as string;
        if(loc == null)
            throw new HttpException("Missing_clientScriptsLocation");
        if(loc.IndexOf("{0}") > 0)
            //FIXME: Version Number of the ASP.Net should come into play.
            //Like if ASP 1.0 and 1.1 both are installed, the script
            // locations are in /aspnet_client/system_web/1_0_3705_0/
            // and /aspnet_client/system_web/1_1_4322/
            // (these entries are from my machine
            // So, first I should get this Version Info from somewhere
            loc = String.Format(loc, "system_web");
        return loc;

Content-type: application/x-javascript; name=WebUIValidation.js
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=WebUIValidation.js

var Page_ValidationVer =3D "125";
var Page_IsValid =3D true;
var Page_BlockSubmit =3D false;
function ValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {
    if (typeof(val.display) =3D=3D "string") {   =20
        if (val.display =3D=3D "None") {
        if (val.display =3D=3D "Dynamic") {
            val.style.display =3D val.isvalid ? "none" : "inline";
    val.style.visibility =3D val.isvalid ? "hidden" : "visible";
function ValidatorUpdateIsValid() {
    var i;
    for (i =3D 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
        if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid) {
            Page_IsValid =3D false;
   Page_IsValid =3D true;
function ValidatorHookupControlID(controlID, val) {
    if (typeof(controlID) !=3D "string") {
    var ctrl =3D document.all[controlID];
    if (typeof(ctrl) !=3D "undefined") {
        ValidatorHookupControl(ctrl, val);
    else {
        val.isvalid =3D true;
        val.enabled =3D false;
function ValidatorHookupControl(control, val) {
    if (typeof(control.tagName) =3D=3D "undefined" && =
typeof(control.length) =3D=3D "number") {
        var i;
        for (i =3D 0; i < control.length; i++) {
            var inner =3D control[i];
            if (typeof(inner.value) =3D=3D "string") {
                ValidatorHookupControl(inner, val);
    else if (control.tagName !=3D "INPUT" && control.tagName !=3D =
"TEXTAREA" && control.tagName !=3D "SELECT") {
        var i;
        for (i =3D 0; i < control.children.length; i++) {
            ValidatorHookupControl(control.children[i], val);
    else {
        if (typeof(control.Validators) =3D=3D "undefined") {
            control.Validators =3D new Array;
            var ev;
            if (control.type =3D=3D "radio") {
                ev =3D control.onclick;
            } else {
                ev =3D control.onchange;
            if (typeof(ev) =3D=3D "function" ) {           =20
                ev =3D ev.toString();
                ev =3D ev.substring(ev.indexOf("{") + 1, =
            else {
                ev =3D "";
            var func =3D new Function("ValidatorOnChange(); " + ev);
            if (control.type =3D=3D "radio") {
                control.onclick =3D func;
            } else {           =20
                control.onchange =3D func;
        control.Validators[control.Validators.length] =3D val;
    }   =20
function ValidatorGetValue(id) {
    var control;
    control =3D document.all[id];
    if (typeof(control.value) =3D=3D "string") {
        return control.value;
    if (typeof(control.tagName) =3D=3D "undefined" && =
typeof(control.length) =3D=3D "number") {
        var j;
        for (j=3D0; j < control.length; j++) {
            var inner =3D control[j];
            if (typeof(inner.value) =3D=3D "string" && (inner.type !=3D =
"radio" || inner.status =3D=3D true)) {
                return inner.value;
    else {
        return ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control);
    return "";
function ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control)
    if (typeof(control.value) =3D=3D "string" && (control.type !=3D =
"radio" || control.status =3D=3D true)) {
        return control.value;
    var i, val;
    for (i =3D 0; i<control.children.length; i++) {
        val =3D ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control.children[i]);
        if (val !=3D "") return val;
    return "";
function Page_ClientValidate() {
    var i;
    for (i =3D 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
    ValidatorUpdateIsValid();   =20
    Page_BlockSubmit =3D !Page_IsValid;
    return Page_IsValid;
function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {
    event.returnValue =3D !Page_BlockSubmit;
    Page_BlockSubmit =3D false;
function ValidatorEnable(val, enable) {
    val.enabled =3D (enable !=3D false);
function ValidatorOnChange() {
    var vals =3D event.srcElement.Validators;
    var i;
    for (i =3D 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
    ValidatorUpdateIsValid();   =20
function ValidatorValidate(val) {   =20
    val.isvalid =3D true;
    if (val.enabled !=3D false) {
        if (typeof(val.evaluationfunction) =3D=3D "function") {
            val.isvalid =3D val.evaluationfunction(val);=20
function ValidatorOnLoad() {
    if (typeof(Page_Validators) =3D=3D "undefined")
    var i, val;
    for (i =3D 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
        val =3D Page_Validators[i];
        if (typeof(val.evaluationfunction) =3D=3D "string") {
            eval("val.evaluationfunction =3D " + val.evaluationfunction =
+ ";");
        if (typeof(val.isvalid) =3D=3D "string") {
            if (val.isvalid =3D=3D "False") {
                val.isvalid =3D false;                               =20
                Page_IsValid =3D false;
            else {
                val.isvalid =3D true;
        } else {
            val.isvalid =3D true;
        if (typeof(val.enabled) =3D=3D "string") {
            val.enabled =3D (val.enabled !=3D "False");
        ValidatorHookupControlID(val.controltovalidate, val);
        ValidatorHookupControlID(val.controlhookup, val);
    Page_ValidationActive =3D true;
function ValidatorConvert(op, dataType, val) {
    function GetFullYear(year) {
        return (year + parseInt(val.century)) - ((year < val.cutoffyear) =
? 0 : 100);
    var num, cleanInput, m, exp;
    if (dataType =3D=3D "Integer") {
        exp =3D /^\s*[-\+]?\d+\s*$/;
        if (op.match(exp) =3D=3D null)=20
            return null;
        num =3D parseInt(op, 10);
        return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);
    else if(dataType =3D=3D "Double") {
        exp =3D new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(\\d+)?(\\" + val.decimalchar =
+ "(\\d+))?\\s*$");
        m =3D op.match(exp);
        if (m =3D=3D null)
            return null;
        cleanInput =3D m[1] + (m[2].length>0 ? m[2] : "0") + "." + m[4];
        num =3D parseFloat(cleanInput);
        return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);           =20
    else if (dataType =3D=3D "Currency") {
        exp =3D new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(((\\d+)\\" + val.groupchar + =
                        + ((val.digits > 0) ? "(\\" + val.decimalchar + =
"(\\d{1," + val.digits + "}))?" : "")
                        + "\\s*$");
        m =3D op.match(exp);
        if (m =3D=3D null)
            return null;
        var intermed =3D m[2] + m[5] ;
        cleanInput =3D m[1] + intermed.replace(new RegExp("(\\" + =
val.groupchar + ")", "g"), "") + ((val.digits > 0) ? "." + m[7] : 0);
        num =3D parseFloat(cleanInput);
        return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);           =20
    else if (dataType =3D=3D "Date") {
        var yearFirstExp =3D new =
        m =3D op.match(yearFirstExp);
        var day, month, year;
        if (m !=3D null && (m[2].length =3D=3D 4 || val.dateorder =3D=3D =
"ymd")) {
            day =3D m[6];
            month =3D m[5];
            year =3D (m[2].length =3D=3D 4) ? m[2] : =
GetFullYear(parseInt(m[3], 10))
        else {
            if (val.dateorder =3D=3D "ymd"){
                return null;	=09
            }					=09
            var yearLastExp =3D new =
            m =3D op.match(yearLastExp);
            if (m =3D=3D null) {
                return null;
            if (val.dateorder =3D=3D "mdy") {
                day =3D m[3];
                month =3D m[1];
            else {
                day =3D m[1];
                month =3D m[3];
            year =3D (m[5].length =3D=3D 4) ? m[5] : =
GetFullYear(parseInt(m[6], 10))
        month -=3D 1;
        var date =3D new Date(year, month, day);
        return (typeof(date) =3D=3D "object" && year =3D=3D =
date.getFullYear() && month =3D=3D date.getMonth() && day =3D=3D =
date.getDate()) ? date.valueOf() : null;
    else {
        return op.toString();
function ValidatorCompare(operand1, operand2, operator, val) {
    var dataType =3D val.type;
    var op1, op2;
    if ((op1 =3D ValidatorConvert(operand1, dataType, val)) =3D=3D null)
        return false;   =20
    if (operator =3D=3D "DataTypeCheck")
        return true;
    if ((op2 =3D ValidatorConvert(operand2, dataType, val)) =3D=3D null)
        return true;
    switch (operator) {
        case "NotEqual":
            return (op1 !=3D op2);
        case "GreaterThan":
            return (op1 > op2);
        case "GreaterThanEqual":
            return (op1 >=3D op2);
        case "LessThan":
            return (op1 < op2);
        case "LessThanEqual":
            return (op1 <=3D op2);
            return (op1 =3D=3D op2);           =20
function CompareValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {
    var value =3D ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);
    if (ValidatorTrim(value).length =3D=3D 0)
        return true;
    var compareTo =3D "";
    if (null =3D=3D document.all[val.controltocompare]) {
        if (typeof(val.valuetocompare) =3D=3D "string") {
            compareTo =3D val.valuetocompare;
    else {
        compareTo =3D ValidatorGetValue(val.controltocompare);
    return ValidatorCompare(value, compareTo, val.operator, val);
function CustomValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {
    var value =3D "";
    if (typeof(val.controltovalidate) =3D=3D "string") {
        value =3D ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);
        if (ValidatorTrim(value).length =3D=3D 0)
            return true;
    var args =3D { Value:value, IsValid:true };
    if (typeof(val.clientvalidationfunction) =3D=3D "string") {
        eval(val.clientvalidationfunction + "(val, args) ;");
    }       =20
    return args.IsValid;
function RegularExpressionValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {
    var value =3D ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);
    if (ValidatorTrim(value).length =3D=3D 0)
        return true;       =20
    var rx =3D new RegExp(val.validationexpression);
    var matches =3D rx.exec(value);
    return (matches !=3D null && value =3D=3D matches[0]);
function ValidatorTrim(s) {
    var m =3D s.match(/^\s*(\S+(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/);
    return (m =3D=3D null) ? "" : m[1];
function RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {
    return (ValidatorTrim(ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate)) !=3D =
function RangeValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {
    var value =3D ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);
    if (ValidatorTrim(value).length =3D=3D 0)=20
        return true;
    return (ValidatorCompare(value, val.minimumvalue, =
"GreaterThanEqual", val) &&
            ValidatorCompare(value, val.maximumvalue, "LessThanEqual", =
function ValidationSummaryOnSubmit() {
    if (typeof(Page_ValidationSummaries) =3D=3D "undefined")=20
    var summary, sums, s;
    for (sums =3D 0; sums < Page_ValidationSummaries.length; sums++) {
        summary =3D Page_ValidationSummaries[sums];
        summary.style.display =3D "none";
        if (!Page_IsValid) {
            if (summary.showsummary !=3D "False") {
                summary.style.display =3D "";
                if (typeof(summary.displaymode) !=3D "string") {
                    summary.displaymode =3D "BulletList";
                switch (summary.displaymode) {
                    case "List":
                        headerSep =3D "<br>";
                        first =3D "";
                        pre =3D "";
                        post =3D "<br>";
                        final =3D "";
                    case "BulletList":
                        headerSep =3D "";
                        first =3D "<ul>";
                        pre =3D "<li>";
                        post =3D "</li>";
                        final =3D "</ul>";
                    case "SingleParagraph":
                        headerSep =3D " ";
                        first =3D "";
                        pre =3D "";
                        post =3D " ";
                        final =3D "<br>";
                s =3D "";
                if (typeof(summary.headertext) =3D=3D "string") {
                    s +=3D summary.headertext + headerSep;
                s +=3D first;
                for (i=3D0; i<Page_Validators.length; i++) {
                    if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid && =
typeof(Page_Validators[i].errormessage) =3D=3D "string") {
                        s +=3D pre + Page_Validators[i].errormessage + =
                }  =20
                s +=3D final;
                summary.innerHTML =3D s;=20
            if (summary.showmessagebox =3D=3D "True") {
                s =3D "";
                if (typeof(summary.headertext) =3D=3D "string") {
                    s +=3D summary.headertext + "<BR>";
                for (i=3D0; i<Page_Validators.length; i++) {
                    if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid && =
typeof(Page_Validators[i].errormessage) =3D=3D "string") {
                        switch (summary.displaymode) {
                            case "List":
                                s +=3D Page_Validators[i].errormessage + =
                            case "BulletList":
                                s +=3D "  - " + =
Page_Validators[i].errormessage + "<BR>";
                            case "SingleParagraph":
                                s +=3D Page_Validators[i].errormessage + =
" ";
                span =3D document.createElement("SPAN");
                span.innerHTML =3D s;
                s =3D span.innerText;
