[Mono-list] XSP in production ->problem with Session

e26659@uajms.edu.bo e26659@uajms.edu.bo
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 16:37:54 -0400 (BOT)

After six month. I probe the webserver xsp.exe.

with mono 0.28.

When I probe with three client or most this server reporting a error:

I would like that probe this code:

page 1
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
  <script runat="server">
	void enviar_dato(object Source, EventArgs e) {
	    string dato = texto.Text;
	    Session["xdato"] = dato;
	    Session["nro"] = 0;
<form id="ServerForm" runat="server"></form>
  <asp:textbox id="texto" runat="server" />
  <asp:button id="btn" onclick="enviar_dato" text="entrar" runat="server"/>
  <asp:label id="etiqueta" text="aqui vendra el dato" runat="server" />

page 2
  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2">
  <script runat="server">
	void Page_Load(object Source, EventArgs e) {
	    string dato_sesion = (string)Session["xdato"];
	    int nro = (int)Session["nro"];
	    dato_sesion += "<--envio suma--> " + nro.ToString();
	    Session["nro"] = nro;

This error donīt kill the server, but this report error

I need opinion thanks