[Mono-list] Building a layer beetween buisiness logic and GUI
Stefan Matthias Aust
Fri, 23 May 2003 21:18:13 +0200
Dominik Fretz wrote:
> #WT (and SWT) use native widgets on each platform. On Windows, it does
> API calls to the windows dll's on Linux it uses native calls to GTK (or
> probbably QT, but QT isn't portet to #WT yet.
FYI: According to IBM/OTI, Qt cannot be used for the original SWT
because the free version of Qt for Linux is licensed unter the GPL and
that license is incompatible to IBM's CPL. Therefore, they picked GTK+.
It is my understanding that Qt is also licensed unter the QPL and this
licsense would probably compatible with the CPL but I'm not with IBM and
IANAL. However there's no technical reason preventing a Qt port and in
fact, IBM has a Qt version of SWT which is used as part of their
embeeded J9 VM for Linux.
Stefan Matthias Aust //
www.3plus4software.de // Inter Deum Et Diabolum Semper Musica Est