Mono0.24 on windows was ( Re: [Mono-list] Win2k install of
mono-0.24 )
Miguel de Icaza
21 May 2003 13:54:07 -0400
> > gives me this error message:
> >
> > The assembly corlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded.
> > It should have been installed in the `c:/mono/mb/install/lib' directory.
> I'm still getting this error on xp. As far as I know I have the latest
> download from ( ). Is there a newer
> version somewhere else ?
> A quick search shows that path ( c:/mono/mb/install/lib ) embedded into
> various exe's ie mono.exe, mint.exe etc.
There is a new version uploaded, but Mono on Windows is not supposed to
use the hardcoded paths, but compute its path. Wonder what went wrong