[Mono-list] [Myricom help #17446]Can you help me?(.net on redhat8.0)
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 19:06:48 +0800 (CST)
> Hello my dear friend:
> I am a linux lover,i am installing mono.
> I installed it following the next step:
> http://www.apacheworld.org/modmono/INSTALL
> a) Install Mono 0.20
> Install the Mono rpms from
> http://www.go-mono.com/download.html
> b) Install Apache
> httpd-2.0.40-8.i386.rpm
> httpd-devel-2.0.40-8.i386.rpm
> c) mod_mono
> http://www.apacheworld.org/modmono/
> download Red Hat 8.0 rpm,
> download corlib.dll.tar.gz
> copy it over your existing corlib.dll
> d) XSP web server (0.3)
> chown -R apache.apache /home/user/mono/install/xsp/server/test
> e) Configure Apache
> Edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and add the following:
> LoadModule mono_module libmod_mono.so
> MonoApplication /mono /home/user/mono/install/xsp/server/test
> mkdir /var/www/.wapi/
> chown apache.apache /var/www/.wapi
> chmod 700 /var/www/.wapi
> f) Start apache
> As root, type:
> /etc/init.d/httpd start
> g) Browse the examples
> Now i can look around those examples,
> I have a application abount .net(c#) on windows 2000,but i am not able to use it on redhat8.0.
> If you would like help me,you can mail me a instruction about installing asp.net on redhat8.0.
> especially how to dispose application.
> Thank you very much.
> I am a chinese.
> I would lile make a friend with you.
> please mail me as quickly as possible.