[Mono-list] Mac OS X porting ... ?

keith davey mush_keithd@yahoo.co.uk
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 15:43:12 +0000 (GMT)


I have been building on OSX. It does work but with
some problems. 

The area I am most looking at is loading native OSX
resources from within mono. OSX does not use standard
shared objects like those from the windows and Linux
world, so it is tricky. 

My mainn goal is to make a Cocoa# library, but there
will have to be more ground work done before that.


 --- Benjamin Reed <ranger@befunk.com> wrote: > Thomas
Ganter wrote:
> > Hello all, 
> > 
> > excuse me if this is a FAQ, but I did not find it
> in the FAQ. 8^)
> > 
> > I am a somewhat (minorly) experienced Mac
> developer who would want
>  > to get in contact with anyone currently working
> on an OS X port of Mono.
> > 
> > To avoid clutter on this list, please contact me
> via private mail: tganter@mac.com
> (Responding to the list anyways, I'm assuming others
> are interested in 
> this...  There seems to be a pretty decent response
> in here when the 
> subject of OSX comes up -- I for one would like to
> see mono be actually 
> usable.  =) )
> I don't know that anyone's actively working on it. 
> I've given it a shot 
> a couple of times off and on but the problems in
> getting mcs to work are 
> beyond my coding abilities.  Right now mono builds
> (and runs for some 
> very minor things), but fails when building mcs with
> a bus error. 
> (after warning about using non-atomic functions).
> Feel free to give it a shot, if you get it working
> let me know, and I'll 
> package mcs in fink (mono is already, but only
> because some people asked 
> for it on the list... it's not really stable yet).
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