[Mono-list] Re: Question about Mono .Net vs Microsoft .Net

Alexander Alexander <worknet@ua.fm>
Sun, 8 Jun 2003 14:54:51 +0300

I had the same question and spend two days to find the answer experimentally because of I am mono and Linux newbie.
The average complexity ASP.NET page was made with Visual C# Standard 2002.
Five web-controls had been used. Grid to show MySQL data table, the label to display number of records, text-box to input new record field content, button to add this new record and empty field validator.
The ByteFX pure C# driver had been used to work with mySQL.
My experimental platforms and software:
1) Windows 2000 Prof + Ms.Net Framework + MySQL 4.x + IIS 5
2) RedHat 9.0 + Mono 0.24 + MySQL 4.xx + xsp 0.4
Problems I bumped into (very briefly):
1) ByteFX dll did not work smoothly and I had to download all last source codes from their CSS and translate them.
2) ByteFX did not work with MySQL 3.xx on Linux, for my case they worked OK with MySQL 4.xx only.
3) My C# on Windows had inserted AutoEventWireup to aspx page. Xsp and Mono did not support AutoEventWireup.
After removing this AutoEventWireup manually I was happy to receive the same result on Windows (Net) and Linux (mono) platforms.
My conclusions:
1) yes, it is possible to make cross-platform applications on mono even right now, when it is not finished;
2) now mono using for cross-platform applications needs big efforts.
Very often the results of its using are much unexpected in comparison
with Microsoft.Net.
3) I hope cross-platform .Net applications (at least ASP.NET + MySQL) will become reality on mono
when the version 1.0 will be finished.