[Mono-list] Problems getting my usercontrol to work in Mono 0.25 / xsp 0.4

Eric Veltman eric@veltman.nu
Tue, 15 Jul 2003 22:05:06 +0200

Hello everyone,

> > 1. System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList doesn't have a SelectedValue
> > property. SelectedValue has been introduced in FrameWork 1.1, so I guess
> > you didn't ( fully ) implement that yet ? Would be nice if this property
> > would be added, because it's much more convenient than using
> > SelectedItem.Value for getting the SelectedValue and using a combination
> > of .Items.IndexOf() and setting SelectedIndex for setting the
> > SelectedValue.

> > /tmp/tmp1b02b4db.cs(126,0) : error CS0029: Cannot convert implicitly from
> > `string' to `string[]'
> > Line 126:             __ctrl.Font.Names = "Verdana";

Sorry for not using the bug report system right away, I guess
I missed that link. I've made two bug reports, 46415 and 46412.
I'll post a bug report of the other issue later on.
Have to cook and eat now and then go to sleep, it's 22:00 here :-)

Best regards,
