[Mono-list] FYI: X# - New Data/XML-oriented language projectat MS
Ben Hutchison
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 13:33:07 -0000
Indeed. Even with better recent APIs creating and processing XML with
code is still clumsy. My experience has been that writing and debugging
XSLT is painful, and the final result ugly on the eyes. That�s what I
reckon they're targeting. I imagine, and hope, they'll avoid XML markup
in the syntax of X#.
I was very impressed with Don Box's papers on the CLR generics design.
Way better characteristics than Java's retrofit.
-----Original Message-----
From: Piers Haken [mailto:piersh@friskit.com]
Sent: 09 January 2003 12:59
To: Jos� Le�n Serna; Ben Hutchison
Cc: mono-list@go-mono.com
Subject: RE: [Mono-list] FYI: X# - New Data/XML-oriented language
projectat MS
I imagine it'll be slightly less literal than that. I'm guessing that
'types' will be XML Schemas (XSD), 'objects' will be instances of those
schemas (XML documents/fragments) and the language itself will allow
direct manipulation/querying of those instances, somewhat like XSLT but
probably more imperative than declarative. I doubt the syntax itself
will be XML, unless they embed the operations within the schema. Of
course, that's all just speculation. What I do know is that if Don Box
has anything to do with it it's likely to be inspired.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jos� Le�n Serna [mailto:jose.leon@securitydata.es]
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 3:29 AM
> To: Ben Hutchison
> Cc: mono-list@go-mono.com
> Subject: Re: [Mono-list] FYI: X# - New Data/XML-oriented
> language projectat MS
> El jue, 09-01-2003 a las 11:47, Ben Hutchison escribi�:
> > Yet another future Mono Todo item perhaps??
> >
> > From: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,808302,00.asp
> And what does it mean? Develop programs using XML? like this? ;-)
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE xbl SYSTEM "xbl.dtd">
> <xbl>
> <class name="Point">
> <public>
> <var name="myvar" type="string" />
> </public>
> </class>
> <function name="myfunction" result="integer">
> <parameters>
> <parameter name="myparam" type="string" />
> <parameter name="anotherparam" type="integer" />
> </parameters>
> <local>
> <var name="myvar" type="string" />
> </local>
> <code>
> <sentence>
> <ident name="a" /><assign /><integer value="5" />
> </sentence>
> <sentence>
> <ident name="a" /><assign /><string value="�Hola, mundo!" />
> </sentence>
> <sentence>
> <perform function="myfunction">
> <ident name="myparameter" />
> <string value="hola" />
> </perform>
> </sentence>
> <sentence>
> <ident name="myvar" />
> <assign />
> <integer value="5" />
> <multiply/>
> <integer value="3" />
> </sentence>
> <sentence>
> <if>
> <condition>
> <ident name="a" /><equal /><integer value="5" />
> </condition>
> <code>
> <sentence>
> <perform function="myfunction">
> <expr>
> <ident name="a" />
> <multiply />
> <integer value="5" />
> </expr>
> </perform>
> </sentence>
> </code>
> </if>
> </sentence>
> </code>
> </function>
> </xbl>
> I hope they will create also a nice code editor! ;-)
> Regards.
> P.S. The XML-based language idea it's being on the net for
> several years, but there is nothing serious about that.
> --
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