[Mono-list] OT: GTK+ on windows

yoros@wanadoo.es yoros@wanadoo.es
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 18:46:02 +0100

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On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 06:14:57PM +0100, Guenther Roith wrote:
> There are, beside themes also theme engines, like thinice or redmond95. I
> don't see any reason, why one should not be able to write a new engine, t=
> makes use of the win32 APIs. However I've never tried, so I'm not sure.

I think that using the win32 API is not as good as it seems to windows
users... I don't like windows look and feel, I really like gtk+ look and
custom feel. Yes, it's well using the engines to have themes but just
for it.

See you,


Pedro Martinez Juli=E1
\  yoros@terra.es
)|    yoros@wanadoo.es
/        http://yoros.cjb.net
Socio HispaLinux #311
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