[Mono-list] HttpHandlers

Cedric Marcone marcone@mdeo.fr
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:11:57 +0100

Hi all,

I'm currently trying to "bind" a class implementing IHttpHandler
interface in XSP 0.8 under mono 0.29.

I declared it in web.config :

  <add verb="*" path="*Action.aspx" type="Cedric.TestHandler, Cedric"/>

As seen on msdn, the type attribute format is :
"NamespaceQualifiedClassName, AssemblyName"

- Cedric.dll is in xsp/test directory.
- TestHandler class is indeed in the Cedric namespace
- I run xsp.exe from this directory

When I try, to call whatever apsx I have the following error :

System.TypeLoadException: Cannot load type 'Cedric.TestHandler, Cedric'
in (unmanaged) /home/cedric/gnome-2.4/lib/libmono.so.0(mono_raise_exception+0x1f) [0x4008793f]
in (unmanaged) /home/cedric/gnome-2.4/lib/libmono.so.0 [0x4008ab9d]
in <0x00056> System.Type:GetType (string,bool)
in <0x0001b> System.Web.Configuration.HandlerItem:DoValidation ()
in <0x00088> System.Web.Configuration.HandlerItem:.ctor (string,string,string,bool)
in <0x00400> System.Web.Configuration.HttpHandlersSectionHandler:Create (object,object,System.Xml.XmlNode)
in <0x0015e> System.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfigInternal (string)
in <0x0006b> System.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfig (string)
in <0x00025> System.Configuration.DefaultConfig:GetConfig (string)
in <0x0003d> System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings:GetConfig (string)
in <0x0000d> System.Web.HttpContext:GetAppConfig (string)
in <0x00028> System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler (System.Web.HttpContext,string,string,string)
in <0x0011f> .CreateHandlerState:Execute ()
in <0x00076> .StateMachine:ExecuteState (System.Web.HttpApplication/IStateHandler,bool&)

I suspect that the type attribute value is passed without parsing to System.Type.getType.

Is it something known ?
Am i doing something wrong ?
Can I help ? 

Cédric Marcone