[Mono-list] Mono Project - Native compiler request

cryst cryst@golden.net
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 12:21:16 -0400

Hi Simon,

Comments within:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Simon Waite" <simon@psionics.demon.co.uk>
To: "cryst" <cryst@golden.net>
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Mono Project - Native compiler request

> Hi Chris,
> > I think this is an issue. I work in an industry where the end users are
> not
> > computer smart. Some are total idiots. Getting software to them, needs
> be
> > really really simple.
> So build the prerequisit user-intelligence into the installer :)

Yes that's what I'd have to do.

> > If .net isn't on there system there would be thousands
> > of phone calls to my poor tech support guy complaining bout my software
> not
> > running because it needs something. Indeed this is a very big concern,
> > possibly the most major reason why .net isn't being looked at seriously
> yet.
> By whom? .Net is putting food on the table for me at the moment :)

By my company. I wasn't saying it isn't being looked at seriously by the
industry. I meant personally in my situation, and I expect others as well,
though I'm sure it can make money.

> > So do I ship .net with my software? I ship via Internet or floppy. (yes
> > compression works wonders!) The software changes too rapidly (a
> subscription
> > service) to burn a thousand CD's.
> Ah now we get to the info that should have been in your question to start
> with :)

I had to give background info so you would know where I was coming from.

> > If I include .net on my update, that means
> > my customers will be downloading a huge update and all of a sudden I'm
> > responsible for MS's .net. (Not a good thing IMHO). My customers do not
> > update their systems frequently, (I know this) so I would guess that
> > then 1/2 have .net, many are still using win95.
> Okay, how many have net access? You could put intelligence into the
> installer
> to ask for the ".net runtime" cd that could be supplied by yourselves,
> them at windows update, or the msdn downloads page, or even to a page on
> your
> website

We are at about 70% doing Internet updates.  Pointing them to the windows
update, etc would work except I know my poor tech support guy would still
get calls. My customers are not computer people, which is my point. It's all
right for new technologies to come around, but it takes time to be
assimilated into the general population.

> >
> > It's probably not an issue 5 years from now, but right now it is an
> > and will be a big stumbling block until 99.9999999% of the users have
> > upgraded their systems. In the meantime I'll keep playing with mono and
> .net
> > and sitting on the sidelines.
> Java had a similar problem too:
>     Many users still on windows 3.1(1)
>     JVM was 10+ Mb (huge for the day)
> Sun now has Java downloads, M$ has windows update.
> I would suggest that you include the .net runtime on CD to new customers,
> complete with the current version of the .NET application. With updates
> via floppy/internet. That way they have something solid to hold on to :)

Yes I think this is probably the way to go, but it involves a bunch of
coding (moving our software over to .net, redoing our install procedure
(which involves management going through the install procedures)) To support
platforms other then windows (our customer base).

As I said, this is all potentially useful, and I am very interested in
supporting (I'm a Linux fan and user), but until .net becomes the defacto
standard it's all just potential.

> Of course, more technical users could get it all with a downloadable
> installer.
> It's really a business descision you should make, one way or another.
> My advice is: If it's not broke, don't fix it :)

Of course! What the mono/.net community has to do is make it break (ie
necessary) so it's worthwhile for grunts like me to fix :)

Chris Bruner

> Best Regards,
> Simon