[Mono-list] Becoming a AnonCVS member?
Magnus Runesson
15 Apr 2003 11:58:27 +0200
On Tue, 2003-04-15 at 11:42, Paul Paximadis wrote:
> Is there anyway to get a list of all the modules on the server ?
Look att the webinterface for the CVS.:
Go-mono-webmaster: I think this URL should be added to the anocvs-page
on go-mono.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magnus Runesson [mailto:mr-mono@linuxalert.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:28
> To: mono-list@ximian.com
> Cc: david@spinnermedia.net
> Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Becoming a AnonCVS member?
> On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 23:11, David Magill wrote:
> > Err Hello,
> >
> > I read a statement that I need to contact a person to gain access...?
> > But as to most of my day I am lost...
> >
> To access the CVS anonymously you do not have to register.
> Assuming you using bash as shell do like this:
> $ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.go-mono.com:/mono
> $ cvs login
> Here will cvs ask for a password, just press enter.
> Now you can checkout, but not checkin code in the mono-cvs.
> To check out do:
> $ cvs co <module>
> Replace module with your wished module. You probably want the
> mono and the mcs modules. You talked about ASP.NET, then you ned the
> module
> mod_mono and may be interested in xsp. The monodoc and monkeyguide
> module may
> be interesting since they include doc.
> When you later want to update your local copy with the new changes that
> people
> have done in cvs just type in your shell:
> $ cvs -z3 up -dP
> regards
> /Magnus
Magnus Runesson <mr-mono@linuxalert.org>