[Mono-list] VB.NET and C# differences in compiling

Gaurav Vaish gaurav.vaish@amsoft.net
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 16:47:17 +0530

Hello Marco,

    Thanks for these interesting examples.
    I am still thinking as to why:
    - local variable V_0 is missing in C# code?
    - there is check for overflow (add.ovf) only in VB.Net (as opposed to
add in C#)?

    Ok, agree. We may give some arguments for having and not having V_0. But
"add" and "add.ovf" lead to two different things, shouldn't they - when
overflow actually occurs?

Happy hacking,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Parenzan" <marco.parenzan@libero.it>
To: "Gaurav Vaish" <gaurav.vaish@amsoft.net>; <mono-list@ximian.com>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 12:33
Subject: [Mono-list] VB.NET and C# differences in compiling

> For example, see these two classes, one in VB and one in C#.
> 'VB class
> public class MyClassVB
>  public mMyVar as integer
>  public sub New()
>   mMyVar = 0
>  end sub
>  public function MyMethod(o as MyClassVB) as integer
>   return mMyVar + o.mMyVar
>  end function
> end class
> 'C# class
> public class MyClassCS
> {
>  public int mMyVar;
>  MyClassCS()
>  {
>   mMyVar = 0;
>  }
>  public int MyMethod(MyClassCS o)
>  {
>   MyClassCS zObject = o;
>   return mMyVar + zObject.mMyVar;
>  }
> }
> Well. Compile and use ILDASM (note: I'm using .NET SDK sp2). THe method
> "MyMethod" compile the same. The constructors compile quite different:
> file://VB MyClass Constructor IL Code
> .method public instance int32  MyMethod(class MyClassVB o) cil managed
> {
>   // Code size       18 (0x12)
>   .maxstack  2
>   .locals init (int32 V_0)
>   IL_0000:  ldarg.0
>   IL_0001:  ldfld      int32 MyClassVB::mMyVar
>   IL_0006:  ldarg.1
>   IL_0007:  ldfld      int32 MyClassVB::mMyVar
>   IL_000c:  add.ovf
>   IL_000d:  stloc.0
>   IL_000e:  br.s       IL_0010
>   IL_0010:  ldloc.0
>   IL_0011:  ret
> } // end of method MyClassVB::MyMethod
> file://C# MyClass Constructor IL Code
> .method public hidebysig instance int32  MyMethod(class MyClassCS o) cil
> managed
> {
>   // Code size       20 (0x14)
>   .maxstack  2
>   .locals init (class MyClassCS V_0,
>            int32 V_1)
>   IL_0000:  ldarg.1
>   IL_0001:  stloc.0
>   IL_0002:  ldarg.0
>   IL_0003:  ldfld      int32 MyClassCS::mMyVar
>   IL_0008:  ldloc.0
>   IL_0009:  ldfld      int32 MyClassCS::mMyVar
>   IL_000e:  add
>   IL_000f:  stloc.1
>   IL_0010:  br.s       IL_0012
>   IL_0012:  ldloc.1
>   IL_0013:  ret
> } // end of method MyClassCS::MyMethod
> You see...there are minimal differences. VB.NET and C# manages stack space
> in a different order and, in general case, in a different way.
> I don't know the result (performance cost, I think) about these
> But I think that is not a problem. They are at version 1 and they are
> already good.
> This is a result of Microsoft's typical approach to allow different teams
> develop the same thing in different manners. The biggest (in .NET) is that
> .NET Framework team and VS.NET team worked at the same time. So, in BCL,
> have different classes for (about) the same thing. For example:
> System.XML.Serialization and System.Runtime.Serialization. They do the
> thing in different manner.
> There are some books on IL and code generation:
> - Inside Microsoft IL Assembler
> 8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-5164361-9848656?v=glance&n=507846) that is an Assemply
> book
> - CIL Programming
> 1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/103-5164361-9848656) that is a mix of Assemply book
> all things in .NET that have to do with IL (CodeGen, Reflection, Assembly
> and compilers)
> - Compiling for the .NET CLR
> 1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/103-5164361-9848656) that is a book on how to write a
> compiler and, mainly, a code generator for .NET runtime.
> Regards,
>     Marco Parenzan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gaurav Vaish" <gaurav.vaish@amsoft.net>
> To: "Marco Parenzan" <marco.parenzan@libero.it>; <mono-list@ximian.com>
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 6:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Re: Mono-list digest, Vol 1 #524 - 21 msgs
> > >
> > > The better way to say this is: similar constructs implemented in C#
> > > VB.NET produce the same IL code.
> > > If you declare a class in VB or in C#....it is compiled in a very
> similar
> > > way.
> >
> >     Thanks for that eye-opener (at least for me).
> >     Do you have some pointers as to where I can find the subtle
> differences
> > in the C# and VB.Net - with respect to the IL code they produce.
> >
> > > You find the main differences, if you consider simple cases, in method
> > > prologue and epilogue (some push or pop).
> >
> >     Can you be a little more elaborate on this. Seems interesting.
> >
> >
> >
> > Happy hacking,
> > Gaurav
> > http://mastergaurav.virtualave.net/iitk
> > ----------------------------
> >
> >
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