[Mono-list] Re: Xsp + Postgres error!
Sun, 22 Sep 2002 08:56:25 +0000
Alejandro Sánchez,
I changed..language="c#" for ..language="C#" in previous tests and also he
did not function...
I made some possible tests, and two friends mine had also made some tests
and they had not gotten no result.
As I said previously... I seem that the Page_Load event is not functioning.
The example two is in
Some suggestion?
Carlos Cesario
Alejandro Sánchez writes:
> Hi!
> What is the sample of the aspx code? the first or the second? In the
> first you dont modify the label.Text when your page is load so that the
> label.Text is "No changed" and in the second sample all the code seems
> to be nice.
> The only thing that I see a trouble is that you have used in the section
> <script> "language="c#"" and mono is case sensitive and only recognized
> the name of language in uppercase: "C#".I would test only <script
> runat=server> or <script runat=server language="C#">.
> If nothing of this work, maybe would be a bug in Page_Load because if
> only the connection fails lbl.Text="error..." and the Text of the label
> changes.
> Cheers
> -- Alex
> El sáb, 21-09-2002 a las 21:56, ccesario escribió:
>> Hey friends,
>> I'm trying to do a test using xsp + postgres and I ain't getting any
>> results.
>> I already tried several ways of doing it, mono doesn't show any errors,
>> but I can't see any results either. I have the following table in Postgres:
>> Aluno
>> id int8
>> nome varchar(30)
>> nota float
>> I tried the following code snippets:
>> -----------------------------------
>> <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
>> <%@ import namespace="System.Data" %>
>> <%@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
>> <html>
>> <script runat="server" language="c#">
>> void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
>> {
>> Response.Write("Holy crap");
>> SqlConnection cnc = new SqlConnection();
>> cnc.ConnectionString = "Data Source=;User
>> ID=ziral;Password=ziral;Initial Catalog=teste;";
>> cnc.Open ();
>> string selectCmd = "SELECT * FROM aluno";
>> SqlCommand selectCommand = cnc.CreateCommand();
>> selectCommand.CommandText = selectCmd;
>> SqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
>> while (reader.Read ()) {
>> Response.Write (reader.GetString(0) + ", " + reader.GetString(1));
>> }
>> reader.Close();
>> cnc.Close();
>> }
>> </script>
>> <head>
>> <title>Some DB testing</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <form runat=server>
>> <asp:label id="lbl1" Text="No changed" runat="server"/>
>> </form>
>> </body>
>> </html>
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
>> <%@ import namespace="System.Data" %>
>> <%@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
>> <html>
>> <script runat="server" language="c#">
>> void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
>> {
>> SqlConnection cnc;
>> cnc = new SqlConnection ();
>> string connectionString = "hostaddr=;" +
>> "PORT=5432;" +
>> "user=ziral;" +
>> "password=ziral;" +
>> "dbname=teste";
>> cnc.ConnectionString = connectionString;
>> try {
>> cnc.Open ();
>> lbl1.Text = "Connected: ";
>> } catch (Exception e2) {
>> lbl1.Text = "The error was: " + e2.Message;
>> }
>> IDbCommand selectCommand = cnc.CreateCommand();
>> IDataReader reader;
>> if (selectCommand == null)
>> lbl1.Text = "Null";
>> else
>> lbl1.Text = "Not Null";
>> string selectCmd = "SELECT * FROM aluno";
>> selectCommand.CommandText = selectCmd;
>> reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader ();
>> lbl1.Text = "Executed ";
>> while (reader.Read ()) {
>> Response.Write (reader.GetString(0) + ", " +
>> reader.GetString(1));
>> }
>> cnc.Close();
>> }
>> </script>
>> <head>
>> <title>Some DB testing</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <form runat=server>
>> <asp:label id="lbl1" Text="No changed" runat="server"/>
>> </form>
>> </body>
>> </html>
>> -----------------------
>> The database is OK, I can use it via psql.
>> I think Page_Load event is not being fired
>> The page is located in this address
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Carlos Cesario
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