[Mono-list] Latest MonoBASIC and Mono.GetOptions

A Rafael D Teixeira rafaelteixeirabr@hotmail.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 20:21:27 -0300

This is the --help output automatically generated by Mono.GetOptions for the 
newest iteration of MonoBASIC:

C:\cygwin\tmp\mcs\mbas>mbas --help
MonoBASIC Compiler  1.0.986.37930 - (c)2002 Rafael Teixeira
This is a compiler for the MonoBASIC language,
which is a superset of Visual Basic.NET

Usage: mbas [options] SOURCE-FILES
  -? --help             Show this help list
     --about            About the MonoBASIC compiler
     --checked          Set default context to checked
     --debug-args=PARAM Debugger arguments
     --define=PARAM     Defines the symbol PARAM
     --fatal            Makes errors fatal
  -g --debug            Write symbolic debugging information to FILE-debug.s
  -L --LinkPaths=PARAM  Adds PARAM to the assembly link path
  -m --main=PARAM       Specifies PARAM as main (starting) class
     --noconfig         Disables implicit references to assemblies
     --nostdlib         Set default context to checked
     --nowarn=PARAM     Ignores warning number PARAM
  -o --output=PARAM     Specifies output file
     --parse            Only parses the source file (for debugging the 
     --recurse=PARAM    Recursively compiles the files in PARAM ([dir]/file)
     --resource=PARAM   Adds PARAM as a resource
  -r --reference=PARAM  References an assembly
     --Stacktrace       Shows stack trace at Error location
     --target=PARAM     Specifies the target (PARAM is one of: exe, winexe, 
library, module)
     --timestamp        Displays time stamps of various compiler events
     --tokenize         Only tokenizes source files
     --unsafe           Allows unsafe code
     --usage            Show usage syntax and exit
  -v --verbose          Verbose parsing (for debugging the parser)
     --werror           Treat warnings as errors
     --wlevel=PARAM     Sets warning level (the highest is 4, the default)

Still lacking in Mono.GetOptions, support for response files.

The MonoBASIC driver went through complete surgery, for working with 
Mono.GetOptions, and seems a bit clearer now (I even managed to split the 
main driver in some phases methods...).

The jay (yacc) file is still in it's infancy, i'll work on it after I come 
back from my vacation week (september 15th-22th).

Happy Hackings

Rafael Teixeira
Brazilian Polymath

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